I was wondering why Iceman cannot gain his Icearmor when fighting Mephisto after 15 seconds end?? Same like other chmps Hyperion for example can gain his power gain when 15 seconds down?.. 
This Mephisto ability saying after 15 seconds opponents can gain his buff normally.
Is that a bug??

This Mephisto ability saying after 15 seconds opponents can gain his buff normally.
Is that a bug??
Iceman has on his ice armor. Like it always worked in the game, similar abilities can be nullified for the entire battle. But in this case, you can just do a sp3 and get the ice armor back
Hyperion's Power Gain and Iceman's Ice Armor have different triggers.
For Hyperion, there is an invisible cooldown timer going for the power gain. When the timer expires, the system will check to see if Hyperion has full power. If he doesn't, a power gain buff will be applied. If he can't apply a power gain buff, he'll apply a Cosmic charge. Whenever the Cosmic charge is applied or the power gain buff expires, the cooldown timer will start again.
Mephisto will prevent any buffs (like power gain) from being applied, so in Hyperion's case, the cooldown timer will expire and the system will attempt to place a power gain buff. When that fails (due to Mephisto's ability), the system will place a Cosmic charge instead since it was unable to apply a power gain buff. At this point, the cooldown timer starts again. When Soul Imprisonment wears off and the cooldown timer ends, the system will then place a power gain buff again.
Iceman's Ice Armor is different. It triggers at the beginning of a fight and a cooldown timer only starts when the Ice Armor is consumed. Since Mephisto stops the initial Ice Armor from triggering, there is no Ice Armor to consume, and thus no cooldown timer can start.
The workaround for this is to build to an L3 and fire it off, which instantly applies an Ice Armor. Once you do, Ice Armor will behave normally for the rest of the fight, provided you're not hit with another Soul Imprisonment.
The difference is the cooldown timers. Hyperion has a timer running at all times. Iceman only has one when an Ice Armor is consumed.
A bit convoluted. Did that make sense?