Change the boosts screen so we can't accidently use a boost while scrolling through them

RO53TT1RO53TT1 Member Posts: 325 ★★
So this is the third time I've accidently used a boost I didn't want to use while scrolling to get to the boout I did want to use. While we are on the subject, when you run an event like the trials, where you get boost and need to use them all on day 7, can you please, atleast put them at the top of the boost inventory screen, alot of precious time is wasted scrolling all the way to the bottom of the screen, minimum 7 times, to use all the boosts, maybe add other sub-categories like add a trials boost page like the boosts/loyalty boosts/trials boosts/alliance boosts. I'm not computer literate so I truly have no clue how difficult it would be, but it would help streamline things, but my first point about using boosts accidently while scrolling is a huge problem that really needs to be addressed, anyway thanks for your time.


  • Cranmer00Cranmer00 Member Posts: 527 ★★
    Yea that was annoying, u had to use all of them, but when u select one, it takes u all the way to the top again and you have to scroll all the way down to do 6 of them,

    It’s a small tweak needed for inconvenience sake but nothing major
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