Possibly adding glory to some crystals

RO53TT1RO53TT1 Member Posts: 325 ★★
In the 3 years I've been playing marvels contest of champions, in my opinion, a couple of the best things kabam has done to help the regular everyday summoner was recently peak milestones and before that glory and the glory store and they've lowered prices in glory store to help more, which has been great and helped but now I'd like to request possibly adding glory to certain crystals, maybe the map crystals from alliance quest and not in huge amounts 25 glory, 50 glory, etc or possibly adding it to war crystals, they def need to be buffed, the main reason I'm suggesting this is, I'm not In the top 10% of alliances, I don't have time to be but I love the game and I grind as often as possible but I'm also getting very discouraged again because I'm finally getting some great 5* champs but it'll take years to rank them up at the current pace cause I spend all my glory on tier 2 alpha shards but at 1800 shards per it takes 10 weeks of aq to get 1 fully formed, I trying to become uncollected, but that's another thing with units, potions/revives, anyway don't wanna get off point, I think the way glory store does it is fair and would just like to see it be expanded for all summoners and I hope others feel the same.
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