Different zooms

LurkerLurker Member Posts: 196
edited February 2019 in Bugs and Known Issues
I'm not sure this a bug per se, but I would like to know why there are different camera zooms randomly at the start of the fight.

Case 1: this one is the main zoom that I usually see. Fight screen starts zoomed out, "Fight" is displayed, the camera remains more or less at that zoom level and angle. This is how I'm used to fighting.

Case 2: fight screen starts, but as after "fight" is displayed the camera zooms in on the champs and the angle changes to more of a side view.

I've tried recording case 2, but anytime I have the recorder going, it reverts to case 1. Case 2 seems like smoother (slower) graphics but I cant figure what triggers it and since I'm so used to case 1, it throws all my timing off.

Anyone got any ideas?
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