The point of a Hulkbuster

Got some support for this idea on the FB MCOC Global Community page so I thought I’d share it here: shouldn’t Hulkbuster have some special / added / bonus dmg / crit / buff when facing against the different Hulks (Classic, Ragnarok, Joe Fix-It, She-Hulk and esp. Rulk)? That’s the point of a HulkBUSTER isn’t it? When he first came out, HB looked really doped but his stats and overall profile somehow made him look like any other champ and there was nothing special about him when he went against the Hulks - shouldn’t Kabam be thinking about tweaking him to provide summoners with a unique option when they go against present (and future) Hulks? If Magneto has a ‘magnetised’ buff against ‘metal’ champions, then the same idea (from the comics) should apply to HB too. Just my 2 cents’ worth.