I miss using DOCTOR STRANGE. He never really fully recovered from that devastating NERF



  • TillerTheKillerTillerTheKiller Member Posts: 280 ★★
    edited May 2017
    I would say the real issue is that Kabam DOES use real data to make character decisions and everyone who doesn't play AQ at high prestige or doesn't play AW in high tiers still uses DS because they don't know any different. He is useless for hard content now but more useful at easy content than a large number of champions.
  • BurntbaconBurntbacon Member Posts: 73
    Hey guys!

    Let's refocus back to the OP's post here and get back on topic. It is ok to have discussions and debates but calling people out personally and making personal attacks for any reason is not ok. It is against our forum rules!

    Let's get back to it :) Keep things on a positive note!

    Can you give us an update on the data the team was collecting to further analyze the impact of the nerd on Strange?
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,866 ★★★★
    I actually still like Strange. Not 5/50 like him lol, but he's still pretty good against some champs.

    He's just in a stacked class. He's probably better than top 4 or 5 in each of the other classes.
  • BurntbaconBurntbacon Member Posts: 73
    No mod can give an update on the info being used to analyze Strange?
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    edited May 2017
    Doctor Strange was never one of the best in the game. He was a good character that was fun to use. What happens a lot on these forums is that a small group of people who are bad at the game encounter someone that they can't beat, so they rush to the forums crying "Nerf!". This isn't always the case when someone says nerf, as Magik actually does need nerfed at the moment, but it is in most cases. This happened with Doctor Strange. People complained and Kabam responded. Now, the other 99% of the Contest of Champions players have freaked out because one of their favorite characters was nerfed beyond use. This needs to stop. No one, with the exception of maybe Magik, needs nerfed. Star Lord is good. Wolverine is good. Quake is good. None of them are everyone's, or even mostly everyone's, favorite or best champ. We need to stop crying "Nerf!" every time we encounter something that's hard to beat, or we'll end up with more cases like Doctor Strange. Yes, he needs buffed back to normal, as he was never top tier, but that can be avoided if we stop crying every time we lose a fight. This isn't to say that all of you did the whining, as he was nerfed before we even got these new forums so I don't even know who any of you used to be, but it continues to happen even here and needs to end.
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Go ahead and "nerf" magik, but there better be rank down tix involved. I have spent way too much on mine.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Vdh2008 wrote: »
    Go ahead and "nerf" magik, but there better be rank down tix involved. I have spent way too much on mine.

    Yes, there should be one or two rank down tickets provided for every champion nerfed. Period. There should never be an instance that someone pours all of their resources and time on a character only to have that character utterly destroyed, especially now that rank down tickets are in circulation.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Magik is fine. She's just really tough on defense. There's always going to be a top defender, she just happens to be it at the moment. New champs like Archangel work against her not to mention Magik works too. I'd like to see champs and the game working as they are supposed to, that would probably help more than anything.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    DaMunk wrote: »
    Magik is fine. She's just really tough on defense. There's always going to be a top defender, she just happens to be it at the moment. New champs like Archangel work against her not to mention Magik works too. I'd like to see champs and the game working as they are supposed to, that would probably help more than anything.

    She gains Limbo every few seconds, which deals way too much damage and makes it impossible to hurt her. If she does get nerfed, I really hope she's not butchered like Strange was. Either way, we're getting a bit off-topic. Let's reel it back in to the OP.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Right you are.
  • Scotty2hotty33_Scotty2hotty33_ Member Posts: 85
    DS was my first 5/50 and now 4/40. Atleast they gave me voodoo. He's probably next smh, but like an idiot I'm still using those sig stones on him. I just don't spend money on leveling up champs. Pointless
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  • BurntbaconBurntbacon Member Posts: 73
    Indrick781 wrote: »
    Yeah, Dr. Strange right now is pretty awful. Here's what I'd do to make him better:

    1. Increase base HP.
    2. Increase base armor for all phases, decrease armor buff to keep it roughly where it is currently.
    3. Increase fury attack buff.
    4. Reduce phases to 8 seconds from 9 and increase power gain to compensate.
    5. Increase health steal to 325 per hit.

    This would be great and it's not at all unreasonable.. it's a measured buff that would make him solid without making him OP again.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Burntbacon wrote: »
    Indrick781 wrote: »
    Yeah, Dr. Strange right now is pretty awful. Here's what I'd do to make him better:

    1. Increase base HP.
    2. Increase base armor for all phases, decrease armor buff to keep it roughly where it is currently.
    3. Increase fury attack buff.
    4. Reduce phases to 8 seconds from 9 and increase power gain to compensate.
    5. Increase health steal to 325 per hit.

    This would be great and it's not at all unreasonable.. it's a measured buff that would make him solid without making him OP again.

    He never was OP. He was good, but not even in the top 8, or maybe even 10.
  • KoperBoyKoperBoy Member Posts: 210 ★★
    Doctor Strange was never one of the best in the game. He was a good character that was fun to use.

    I stopped reading after these two sentences. How much were you using Dr. Strange pre-nerf? I have been using him for almost two years and after beating everything but LOL, I can safely say he was at least Top 5 champ (voodoo, hyperion etc. didn't exist till much later) with SW, Thor, SL and BW.

    He certainly was the most versatile of all champs, including the present ones like Vodoo, Rogue etc. and in experienced hands, one of the hardest to kill.

  • Justice_Evo_8Justice_Evo_8 Member Posts: 213 ★★
    Doctor Strange was never one of the best in the game. He was a good character that was fun to use. What happens a lot on these forums is that a small group of people who are bad at the game encounter someone that they can't beat, so they rush to the forums crying "Nerf!". This isn't always the case when someone says nerf, as Magik actually does need nerfed at the moment, but it is in most cases. This happened with Doctor Strange. People complained and Kabam responded. Now, the other 99% of the Contest of Champions players have freaked out because one of their favorite characters was nerfed beyond use. This needs to stop. No one, with the exception of maybe Magik, needs nerfed. Star Lord is good. Wolverine is good. Quake is good. None of them are everyone's, or even mostly everyone's, favorite or best champ. We need to stop crying "Nerf!" every time we encounter something that's hard to beat, or we'll end up with more cases like Doctor Strange. Yes, he needs buffed back to normal, as he was never top tier, but that can be avoided if we stop crying every time we lose a fight. This isn't to say that all of you did the whining, as he was nerfed before we even got these new forums so I don't even know who any of you used to be, but it continues to happen even here and needs to end.

    Magik doesn't need a nerf. Tier 1 aw here and she is fine to fight with proper utility masteries. Just parry and hit her into specials. If she limbos still, you just parry her again right away. Bait out special and do it again. I can solo a magik boss in tier 1 easily if I boost. If you're worried about fighting a magik then always take a champion that can control power. Simple solution. The worst boss to go against in this game is a duped dormamu. Absolutely nothing you can do to counter him except items.
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  • Time_to_clobberTime_to_clobber Member Posts: 123
    @Cable I know it really sucks, but Kabam and Netmarble devs truly truly don't care at all how we "feel". They know that this is a malignant system, so they hide their names and send out Miike to placate us and take the heat for them. Both time I have ever mentioned the name of a dev on the forums, it has been deleted immediately. I even got an infraction for it once. They know that this is not a game they want their name to be associated with.

    In your great example: If the CEO of the car company was able to hide his name and protect his future employment opportunities, he too would treat customers like this. Deceitfully milk customers for every penny until there is so much bad blood that animosity that the company goes under, and then jump ship and join a new company where no one knows you were part of the previous scam.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    The thing that bothers me was that there was a promise made that the "god tier" champs would remain top champs, but the gap would be narrowed. I was fine with that. The only champ for which they made good on their promise is Thor, and that was only after the boycott. SW is good for quests and easier content in which any champ will do but she isn't really viable for harder content. She certainly is no longer a top champ. And Strange is middle of the pack at best. I ranked mine down as well.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    edited May 2017
    The thing that bothers me was that there was a promise made that the "god tier" champs would remain top champs, but the gap would be narrowed. I was fine with that. The only champ for which they made good on their promise is Thor, and that was only after the boycott. SW is good for quests and easier content in which any champ will do but she isn't really viable for harder content. She certainly is no longer a top champ. And Strange is middle of the pack at best. I ranked mine down as well.

    Yeah, Thor is finally better, but they nerfed SW too much. She's good, actually one of my favorites, but not near where she was. And Strange is definitely in the bottom 30% of champs now.
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    dc strange is a garbage now a 3* is better than him that's it he has lots of abilities none of them are useful his attack make me laugh and so on...
  • BurntbaconBurntbacon Member Posts: 73
    Burntbacon wrote: »
    Indrick781 wrote: »
    Yeah, Dr. Strange right now is pretty awful. Here's what I'd do to make him better:

    1. Increase base HP.
    2. Increase base armor for all phases, decrease armor buff to keep it roughly where it is currently.
    3. Increase fury attack buff.
    4. Reduce phases to 8 seconds from 9 and increase power gain to compensate.
    5. Increase health steal to 325 per hit.

    This would be great and it's not at all unreasonable.. it's a measured buff that would make him solid without making him OP again.

    He never was OP. He was good, but not even in the top 8, or maybe even 10.

    That's your opinion...but most would agree his pre 12.0 version was top 5.

    Anyway, that's irrelevant to the point indrick made. The proposed buff was not at all unreasonable and should be considered for implementation.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    KoperBoy wrote: »
    Doctor Strange was never one of the best in the game. He was a good character that was fun to use.

    I stopped reading after these two sentences. How much were you using Dr. Strange pre-nerf? I have been using him for almost two years and after beating everything but LOL, I can safely say he was at least Top 5 champ (voodoo, hyperion etc. didn't exist till much later) with SW, Thor, SL and BW.

    He certainly was the most versatile of all champs, including the present ones like Vodoo, Rogue etc. and in experienced hands, one of the hardest to kill.

    He was one of those champs that was easy to use if you were good at the game, but hard if you weren't. If you played smart, he was up there in the rankings, but on average he was probably top 12 at best. Characters like Wolverine were better in my opinion. Either way, we're on the same side here. He was a great champ who was turned to ****, and desperately needs restored.
  • KoperBoyKoperBoy Member Posts: 210 ★★
    edited May 2017

    He was one of those champs that was easy to use if you were good at the game, but hard if you weren't. If you played smart, he was up there in the rankings, but on average he was probably top 12 at best. Characters like Wolverine were better in my opinion. Either way, we're on the same side here. He was a great champ who was turned to ****, and desperately needs restored.

    Why do you have to rate champs based on what could an average player do with them? Wolvie is as straightforward as they come. Slash and bleed, regenerate, next one please. What about heal block? Bleed immune? All or nothing node? Opponent's regeneration? Evade? Wolverine is cold against all of the mentioned, while Strange could find his way in almost any situation.

    An average player can never tap into champion's full potential. That's why we rate them by what they could do in experienced hands. "I think this champion is not even top 10 because I don't know how to play with him" is not a valid reason to rate him lower than what he deserves.

    I used Strange against all or nothing Wolvie node in RTTL, every Spidey boss/miniboss in AW, electro, Rhino, Nightcrawler, Thorns, Starburst, Slashed Tires, Maestro with Arc overload and even Ultron in AW when other champs were dead. In every of those matchups, Strange was victorious. Name me a champ that can do all this?
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    KoperBoy wrote: »

    He was one of those champs that was easy to use if you were good at the game, but hard if you weren't. If you played smart, he was up there in the rankings, but on average he was probably top 12 at best. Characters like Wolverine were better in my opinion. Either way, we're on the same side here. He was a great champ who was turned to ****, and desperately needs restored.

    Why do you have to rate champs based on what could an average player do with them? Wolvie is as straightforward as they come. Slash and bleed, regenerate, next one please. What about heal block? Bleed immune? All or nothing node? Opponent's regeneration? Evade? Wolverine is cold against all of the mentioned, while Strange could find his way in almost any situation.

    An average player can never tap into champion's full potential. That's why we rate them by what they could do in experienced hands. "I think this champion is not even top 10 because I don't know how to play with him" is not a valid reason to rate him lower than what he deserves.

    Again, we disagree on how good certain characters are. We need to refocus on the main point. I actually agree with you for the most part. Let's move on.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Move on with the discussion people. You have no room to accuse other people of causing a problem when you keep bringing the subject back to attacking someone. It's about the DS Nerf. Not me. Thanks.
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  • KoperBoyKoperBoy Member Posts: 210 ★★
    edited May 2017

    Again, we disagree on how good certain characters are. We need to refocus on the main point. I actually agree with you for the most part. Let's move on.

    This topic is about nerfing Strange too much. With discussing on how good he was pre nerf and how bad he is right now, maybe we can show Kabam the middle ground. That's why I think discussing how good was Strange is on topic.

    You disagree on how good certain characters are or were - if I understand you correctly, you want to tell me Wolverine is better than Strange pre-nerf? And you rate Strange top 12 pre nerf? Sorry, but that is simply not true and I'm not being subjective. If he was only Top 12, he wouldn't have needed the nerf.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    KoperBoy wrote: »

    Again, we disagree on how good certain characters are. We need to refocus on the main point. I actually agree with you for the most part. Let's move on.

    This topic is about nerfing Strange too much. With discussing on how good he was pre nerf and how bad he is right now, maybe we can show Kabam the middle ground. That's why I think discussing how good was Strange is on topic.

    You disagree on how good certain characters are or were - if I understand you correctly, you want to tell me Wolverine is better than Strange pre-nerf? And you rate Strange top 12 pre nerf? Sorry, but that is simply not true and I'm not being subjective. If he was only Top 12, he wouldn't have needed the nerf.

    He didn't need the nerf. Also, how can you call me subjective when I say that Wolverine is better, then say Doctor Strange is better? Um, yeah, all opinions are subjective, including yours. I think that Regeneration is the best buff in the game, and Wolverine has it better than anyone else. Yes, I think he's better. Many disagree, including you, but that doesn't make me wrong. You're saying that your opinion trumps mine, which is never true in any scenario.
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