DarkHawk or Ghost

smy168smy168 Member Posts: 242 ★★
I just pulled DarkHawk and Ghost as 5 stars...who is the better rank up and why?


  • correborrecorreborre Member Posts: 37
    Ghost. Best champion in this game When it comes to aw attack.
  • Greifmaster911Greifmaster911 Member Posts: 316 ★★
    But requires a ridiculous amount of skill to use, but you should take up ghost over dh rn because dh is unduped, however if he gets duped though, take him up
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    Haha man !, my same exact dillema! But I awakened darkhawk and havent got a decent wasp for ghost and already have sparky at R5/65 so i am taking darkhawk to R4 first then ghost just for fun. Will see how they both are and what my next 6*s are so i can decide my 3rd 5/65 between one of them! Darkhawk even standalone without synergy is so damn fun to play and perfect swiss army knife for utilities! And damage on bigger opponents if you can get to Sp3!! I hope this helps 🙂👍🏼
  • Greifmaster911Greifmaster911 Member Posts: 316 ★★
    I need an darkhawk, id take that guy up over any other champ in this game, even ghost or aegon
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    You might want to read their abilities and test them both out. One may seem better over another on paper but ranking is usually personal preference. If you try them both out you will most likely find one you like better.
  • CazathuulCazathuul Member Posts: 57
    On my alternate account I have a 4/55 Ghost, 4/55 Wasp, and 4/55 Darkhawk (all awakened). As mentioned earlier, Ghost playstyle is unique and take a lot of practice. A whole lot. I still botch ghost fights in AW on a regular basis despite much trying. So if you aren't willing to invest the time in learning how to play ghost right I would say go with Darkhawk. He's a great champ and has some really fun synergies.

    Darkhawk is much more dependent on awakened ability while Ghost really benefits a ton from the Wasp and Ant-Man synergies. Admittedly it's a bit strange to do a 5* crystal opening and think "I hope I pull 2 ant-mans in a row" but at least that's one more normally bad pull that you can actually get excited about when you have ghost.
  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    Ghost even without synergies
  • smy168smy168 Member Posts: 242 ★★
    Thanks All, I think it'll be DH to start as I learn about Ghost. I have enough Cats to bring them both up at some point.
  • simolazsimolaz Member Posts: 418 ★★
    Ghost is the only option.
  • smy168smy168 Member Posts: 242 ★★
    edited February 2019
    I ended up bringing them both to R2, had enough cats and Isos.....here is the new issue....


    Who goes to R4?
    I have enough to bump just 1 of these and pretty stable on both Off and Def but would like to bump one that is both DEF/OFF...thoughts?

    Appreciate any advice...
  • simolazsimolaz Member Posts: 418 ★★
    smy168 wrote: »
    I ended up bringing them both to R2, had enough cats and Isos.....here is the new issue....


    Who goes to R4?
    I have enough to bump just 1 of these and pretty stable on both Off and Def but would like to bump one that is both DEF/OFF...thoughts?

    Appreciate any advice...

    For what I see, the best option that matches with the constraints you defined seems to be Domino.
  • smy168smy168 Member Posts: 242 ★★
    Cool, I was on the same track, either Domino or CAIW since but sitting on Iceman I don't have a R4 Science.
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