LG Line 6 or 6/7 with Tier 1/2 Experience

Looking to fill 1 spot
US based, 23 mill rating
Plat 2 (rank 10 in season 7)
Looking to push towards Plat 1 next season.
Place top 200
1 BG runs Map6&5
2 BG’s run 5x5
Starting prestige 8.7k
Looking for:
- Middle line experience (ideally line 6 or 6/7)
- 8700+ prestige
- Minimum AW Tier 2 experience
- Line clearers with minimal deaths
- US timezone preferred
- Boss killers get priority
Line: manalapan, richie731, thegup
Looking to fill 1 spot
US based, 23 mill rating
Plat 2 (rank 10 in season 7)
Looking to push towards Plat 1 next season.
Place top 200
1 BG runs Map6&5
2 BG’s run 5x5
Starting prestige 8.7k
Looking for:
- Middle line experience (ideally line 6 or 6/7)
- 8700+ prestige
- Minimum AW Tier 2 experience
- Line clearers with minimal deaths
- US timezone preferred
- Boss killers get priority
Line: manalapan, richie731, thegup