Better ISO in master mode

For those with rosters that can explore most but may not be able to complete 100% of the master mode event quests please increase the ISO given throughout the maps and chests. Tier 1 and 2 basic iso are a joke at this point in the game.
If they don't want or just won't change it than they should do something like ISO Realm similar to Gold Realm but it should give us tons of crystals with ISOs
I'm finally advanced to the point I can fight in the Master level and was shocked at the abysmally small returns. Small ISO, very little gold, worthless potions, and less than 400 XP per fight (even the bosses)? I had to double check I was in the Master level and not in the beginner.
Fighting line champs with 4000+ PI and 8000+ PI bosses and getting the same returns as if I was fighting a 600 PI champ in the Daily Proving grounds. Why would I burn revives and potions for that?
You aren't supposed to. Thats the point.
Master mode was put in place to give players who waltz through heroic a challenge.
If you can't get through master without using pots and revives then you aren't ready for it.
Unless you don't mind using items.
If we aren't supposed to be able to revive, why is there the option to do so?
No one said you aren't supposed to use them but if you can't do Master mode without using heals and revives, Kabam wants you to spend units/money to buy them.
It makes no sense for Kabam to put in level 3 and 4 heals and revives on the maps if they want you to buy them.
Do I agree with them on this ? No, buts its the reality of it.
The first pass through the "Medium" Rocket's Scrapyard nets more ISO and XP than the 100% final pass of Chapter 2 of Master Special event.
Why does killing a 6000+ PI line champ in Master only award 275 XP whereas a 600PI champ in Rocket's Scrapyard give me over 400? Defeating the 8k Groot got me 350XP but beating the 2k Nebula got me 800. Shouldn't beating bigger champs award bigger XP?
If the point of Master is to be "big enough" to be able to beat it, why doesn't it award ISO comparable to the level of champs needed in the fight? A typical team needed for Master is at least a team of 4* rank 3/30 champs (if not R4). The ISO awarded for completing Master Chapter 2 wouldn't even equate to the first level of an unranked 4*.
I can beat the entirety of Rocket's Scrapyard with a single R4 4* champ and get decent ISO, but when I need a team of them for Master Events, why do the ISO payouts drop?
Is any of this "Master" level?