5* Emma vs. 5* Hype both unduped

Guys, I am in trouble. I got really lucky in my two last 5* crystal draws and got Emma Frost and Hyperion. No it’s rank up time, but I only have the resources to bring one of both to rank 3 (soon rank 4). Who to take?! I can fight well with both. The question is, who is more useful unduped.
5* Emma vs. 5* Hype both unduped 32 votes
Goddess in White (Emma Frost)
11 votes
The other gym guy (Hyperion)
21 votes
It's very close pretty just up to who you like playing more but myself personally would go for Emma frost even though I love hype.
Can't stress that enough. As far as OP, If you're serious about ranking Hype up and making him a mainstay on your teams, The sig is absolutely essential and bordering on generic worthy. More duration on fury, incinerates, power gain, and regen = More damage. Probably THEE most slept on sig ability amongst the elite champs in the game. If someone tells you it's not needed DO NOT listen to them.
I agree with most of this. However, his sig has nothing to do with his incinerate duration, though it does essentially increase his incinerate damage over the course of a fight with the increased fury duration.