Latest 5* pulls

Feel free to post them here.
I'm getting one in 9 days so I will post who I get hopefukky someine go do since my 5*s are all trash event void and I only have 7
I'm getting one in 9 days so I will post who I get hopefukky someine go do since my 5*s are all trash event void and I only have 7
So I pulled 1 Feature and 2 Basic
Featured 5* - Magneto (dupe)
Basic - Rhino and Magic
So overall, it was ok as Magic was one of my old champ alternatives to one of the newly released champs.
My most recent crystal opening.
On alt will know soon need like 200+
Stark enhanced (first pull)
Stark enhanced
Yellow jacket
The champion
Night thrasher
Iron fist
My 5* hoard ... All gone now.
btw my latest ten
-Proxima Midnight.
I can't really complain tbh.
For sure. only one of those I'd be disappointed in is falcon and even then theres worse out there lol.