Caiw unstoppable

CAIW unable to go through unstoppable on juggernaut


  • gage201205gage201205 Member Posts: 576 ★★★
    You have to have a kenetic charge
  • PennsyltuckyPennsyltucky Member Posts: 63
    I did. Just wasn't registering. I am attempting to replicate with a duel. Can't seem to figure out where I failed. Have a feeling I went at him while he had a block up. Can't remember though
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    something I noticed myself doing ... if you both swing at same time, but he actually hits first, your swing stops ...
    because you didn't hit him .. it doesn't cancel his unstoppable .. so make sure you get him at end of his heavy before he begins an attack, or right after a special before he begins an attack ...

    The only other thing to check: was there a Mystic Ward node, or something ? Because CAIW does a "Nullify" .. and some of those nodes prevent Nullify .. ;)
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