Special attack and buffs / debuffs

doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,935 ★★★★
I would like to suggest a change of usage for special attacks for kabam. Right now what special attack we do (1, 2, 3) is based on how filled our power meter is. I would like to recommend kabam change this so we can decide what special attack we do regardless of our power meter.

For example, if we have a full power meter (3 bars full), we should be able to decide if we want to do a special 3 attack, a special 2 + special 1, or three special 1 attacks. We can decide by tapping on the appropriate meter bar. And kabam can do away with the green button on the bottom.

Also, maybe kabam can put 1 random buff or debuff for sale in the store (purchase with loyalty or units) each week and we can purchase it and store it in our inventory for usage when needed. Overflow can go into our stash with inventory limit of 5.

Thanks kabam
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