If you were given a chance to merge any two champs from your roster, who'd they be?

The game already has merged many champions ( be it original or created by kabam). What if you were given a chance to merge any two champs from your roster for the sake of their improvement or just for fun.
I would like to go with goldpool and any of the Cyclops...
I would like to go with goldpool and any of the Cyclops...
Critical poison and critical neurotoxin sound awesome
that was actually a thing.. she was a boss in a quest.. one of the toughest opponents I've ever played for sure
10k bleeds per hit!?!
Ability - Dark nuerotoxin
Like "fear of neurotoxins" ? Lol
Great idea btw
Or OG Spidy so you can’t switch stances
Imagine critical bleed stacked up to 50!!!
A 5/65 sig200 will do at least a direct damage of few million...
Hyperion +quake or OG vision
Corvus + SW better, for the same reasons as above, not to mention increased crit damage from accomplishing missions.