5* IMIW or 5* Sabretooth?

Need help on which one to Rank 4, both are unduped and offense/questing is my only priority.
Currently have 4/55 Stark Spidey, 3/45 Hulk, 3/45 Hyp, and these two at 3/45. These are pretty much the only Champs I run, and nobody else is worth mentioning.
Currently have 4/55 Stark Spidey, 3/45 Hulk, 3/45 Hyp, and these two at 3/45. These are pretty much the only Champs I run, and nobody else is worth mentioning.
Hes a way better offensive champ
Sirm, I have IMIW not CapIW
I have an awakened 3/30 4* Omega Red. Is he worth taking up to 4/40 for that synergy? I guess my question becomes more of, is a 4/40 4* Omega Red (with ST synergy) a better tool than a 3/45 4* IMIW?
I wanna say IMIW but this is so true
His l1 and heavy will put heal blocks.
Heavy armor break.
He is really beneficial and for questing I'd pick him. At this point the fights will last a little longer but parry (his block Prof) and little damage received ..
IWIM the whole way.
Sabre is by far the better champ. Both are Coldsnap immune.... Sabre does higher damage tho
Far greater than IMIW unless we're talking defense.
Personally, I say yes. ST + OR is great as it adds bleed damage to ST’s basic claw attacks. Throw KM/BP on that team, and now ST shuts down abilities for .7s after every debuff inflicted. He is almost a perfect champion IMO, with those 2 synergies. Even with only one, or by himself, he is still fantastic for damage output. A bit of a bummer when you run out of charges, but part of the fun is building his Fury stacks.