Which one worth the generic gem?

Hi, guys! I recently finished exploring Act 4 and got the 4* awakening gem from the rewards. Now which champion below is worth it the most in your opinion? Bear in mind that i can take any of them to rank 5.And if you have time please elaborate your choice on the comment section. Thank you so much! P.S: i’ll attach my current roster above 3/30.
Which one worth the generic gem? 22 votes
Star lord and omega red disagree with this
Health pool is very important in Act 5.1-2 and Wasp doesn’t have that.
i became uncollected just 3 weeks ago while i have my top champs as 4/40's. I am doıng %100 master and heroıc monthly events and now aımıng to do uncollected dıffıculty every month.