No donations! Stable competitve adult ally Gold 2 AQ4/5

Tag-TugLF (The Line) Gold 2 AQ map 4 No donation stress. No drama. Stable 100% complete everyday, up and coming ally needs level headed daily path clearer.
Hit me up on Line app-2madbeez
I’m in Cali I’ll get back to you quick.
Please be ready to make the move. You know if you can hang I don’t need a blood type etc. But we get so many requests please no tire kickers.
Looking for a couple people ready to go.
1-2 steady adult members that can clear their path. No one here is going to tell you what to do; or tag you to move every second. Stress & drama Free. Straight forward working type daily players. LINE is must however. We have no event minnimums either, we are strictly A/W A/Q focused. We do hit S\A rewards weekly with a good mix of newly addicted cats looking to improve and a few established BK’s without egos.
Short term goal is to continue the climb to gold 1, replace a couple members retiring add a Maybe tackle a new A/Q map with the donation change.
Got spot for a daily player that needs to ditch your training wheel ally. Or an old dude with a sense of humor that knows the game and just wants to compete and help some ambitious up and comers, without the stress of over zealous big brother leadership. Adults and mature players only please. Sense of humor would be great. Good communication in Line- 3 organized BG’s etc.
By no means is this a place to park. We want to win everything all the time. Even on days we don’t win we clear our BG’s. As far as A/Q We run map 4 so there is no donation stress and you can keep your gold for upgrades.
Line is must tho. My user name is 2madbeez. I will get back to you right away. In game you can reach me at Madbeez
Hit me up on Line app-2madbeez
I’m in Cali I’ll get back to you quick.
Please be ready to make the move. You know if you can hang I don’t need a blood type etc. But we get so many requests please no tire kickers.
Looking for a couple people ready to go.
1-2 steady adult members that can clear their path. No one here is going to tell you what to do; or tag you to move every second. Stress & drama Free. Straight forward working type daily players. LINE is must however. We have no event minnimums either, we are strictly A/W A/Q focused. We do hit S\A rewards weekly with a good mix of newly addicted cats looking to improve and a few established BK’s without egos.
Short term goal is to continue the climb to gold 1, replace a couple members retiring add a Maybe tackle a new A/Q map with the donation change.
Got spot for a daily player that needs to ditch your training wheel ally. Or an old dude with a sense of humor that knows the game and just wants to compete and help some ambitious up and comers, without the stress of over zealous big brother leadership. Adults and mature players only please. Sense of humor would be great. Good communication in Line- 3 organized BG’s etc.
By no means is this a place to park. We want to win everything all the time. Even on days we don’t win we clear our BG’s. As far as A/Q We run map 4 so there is no donation stress and you can keep your gold for upgrades.
Line is must tho. My user name is 2madbeez. I will get back to you right away. In game you can reach me at Madbeez