Anybody on Android picked up Legends Title EVER? is Android on unfair advantage? Can Kabam fix it?

It seems that Android users have not really been able to get Legends title.
What can they do? Spend $$$ to buy iOS just to get a legends title? I know there are mercs for it on black market and Kabam probably knows this.
Can they help android users somehow? Or are they gonna ignore this and let Android users stay without Legends title or let them risk going into black market for mercs?
What can they do? Spend $$$ to buy iOS just to get a legends title? I know there are mercs for it on black market and Kabam probably knows this.
Can they help android users somehow? Or are they gonna ignore this and let Android users stay without Legends title or let them risk going into black market for mercs?
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Lets say Note 9, few of my friends will be trying but they arnt 100% sure if they can get the title
They already stated that they only optimize the game on iOs users
Thats not fair. Otherwise Kabam should give a free-pass to people who let their accounts get mercd for legends title. This is rubbish, GTA won't say we don't care about PC gamers or console gamers, bcuz they are a great company.
Can you quote this? I cannot find anything like it. The main issue is that android is generally built for all hardware, it has to be, which makes it much slower than IOS which is built for only a small set of hardware. It is the windows vs mac/sun issue
They said in the past that there are way less iOs devices than android's (ios have some dozens, while android have 10k +).
IOs devices share something in common with each other (I'm not very good with these names), that make them easier to be optimized across every device. On the other hand, android's are all differents and would have to be optimized one by one. Add that to the number of devices out there and ... Yeh...
They could very well optimize 1 or 2 android's to run as fast as iOs, but they decided not to to not favor some android's while not doing anything to other's.
At this point, it would be easier to de-optimize iOs and make them slower, than optimize all android devices. But something like that will also not be very much acceptable by the community
I think you are confusing the issue that I stated above with some shade for Kabam. It is not a matter of the kabam optimizing for them, it is a matter of Android itself not being optimized because of the number of devices it has to support.
Yes, number of devices and due to the fact that they had to be optimized one by one
No, when it comes to power apple is just much better. IF you look at any benchmarks apple devices have vastly more, shoot the new ipad pro has the same processing power as a macbook pro. The power of android devices are on par or even lower on power than the previous generation of apple products. Dont get me wrong, I like androids custizability, and its ability to be tinkered with, but it is shiat for gaming.
THIS...Kabam THIS is A solution
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra
Then u Can just buy a Android and mosly get it ever time to
i dont understand what u mean here
Someone who is not as good on an iPhone could get a cheap android tablet and get top 100 in android.
the best thing is for you to just get a second or third generation idevice, chances are it will still perform better than your android.
My Android phone is over a year old and has 8GB of RAM. Pretty sure it's faster at most things than your iPhone.
This game is developed and optimized for iOS. It is not for Android. Most games are like this because optimizing for 1000 various Android phones isn't worthwhile for developers.
It is not because Apple has such great hardware. Apple does a fantastic job of squeezing great performance out of mediocre and inexpensive hardware. And a fantastic job marketing. As such, their able to put roughly $120 worth of components together and charge you $1,000 for it.
ETA: went to check and apparently bill of materials for the iPhone 8 is $247.51. So, better parts than I remember from past iPhones... Several had markups much higher than ~300% like this one. Regardless, it's still not top end components.
Android devices arnt slow. note 9 performs good so the chance of that happening isnt high. Cheap android tablet would perform poorly hence that wont make a difference.
When you compare that to an 2018 ipad pro, the note performs terribly, there is a 30% drop in performance.
No its not, Note 9 is about 10-15% slower and I have checked it. Regardless, even if the iOS moves to android, there will only be a fixed number of such people doing so. Note 9 is not even at the same level as iOS in terms of their CPU generation which will be released this year. So the difference will not be more than 10% HOWEVER, 10% for legends run time is a huge difference
The note 9 and the 2018 ipad pro are the same generation, they were released 2 months apart, making it the exact same generation..
As for performance, the benchmarks show a 30% gap, if you compare based on the ipads numbers,,IOS,WINDOWS&test=SLING_SHOT_ES_30&deviceFilter=PHONE,TABLET&displaySize=3.0,15.0&search=
9k for the ipad vs 6k for the note.
The node 9 is only slightly faster than the 2017 ipad pros.
You can compare iOS vs Android the way PC's vs Mac's argument is. Anything Apple is better optimized because they all share the same type of hardware/software needed to run programs. Very little changes aside from updated specs. Whereas with Android and PC's, hardware is broad and interchangeable to fit an almost infinite amount of designs in the world of programming. Because of that level of customization, Adroid's have almost 100% been "slower" vs iOS. Not just MCOC but in every App aspect since every app/game has to be formatted to run 100's of different versions of Droid OS and 1000's of different devices with their own software configurations. It will always be this way forever and ever.
I choose Android for the flexibility of customization. I can use it on any computer whereas you need special software/hardware if you are going to mix Apple and PC/Android stuff. I don't like being limited in options.
I have used that exact example And I agree with you for why you like android better. I gave up that because even as a Linux admin I wanted performance for my games and I wanted unified cable management. I got tired having to manage so many power cords...