Spider gwen/she hulk beta Android user

I was invited and accepted the invite to spider hulk beta test. Now before the mister sinister update I had the beta symbol on my MCOC home screen and had to select main game server while loading into MCOC. Since I downloaded the newest update tho I have not been able to see the beta symbol on my home screen nor have I had to select main game sever while loading into game. Have I been kicked from beta? Is something broken ? Or is this Normal? Any help will be much appreciated @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious also sorry for all the tags I'm not sure who is best suited to handle this question
I was invited and accepted the invite to spider hulk beta test. Now before the mister sinister update I had the beta symbol on my MCOC home screen and had to select main game server while loading into MCOC. Since I downloaded the newest update tho I have not been able to see the beta symbol on my home screen nor have I had to select main game sever while loading into game. Have I been kicked from beta? Is something broken ? Or is this Normal? Any help will be much appreciated @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious also sorry for all the tags I'm not sure who is best suited to handle this question
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Wait for the beta to start
Another one eh, a quick search would answer your question, there is nothing wrong but if you don't want to take my answer as proof here's kabam Mike saying the same thing recently.
The original annoucement said it starts on the 18th. Theres always a sign up period then 2 weeks ish later the beta starts.