Tips for defeating the collector?

Suiting up for my first take down on him, besides having tons of units and revives ready are there any tips on taking him down? Any champs that preform really well besides both visions and DD classic?
Edit: autoevade doesnt work on collector as far as i know, so no OGDD
Hulk dies work as a 20% Rev and a L1 potion allows him to trigger SMASH which basically gives you a lot of damage for very low resources
They both work about the same
Any word on Amex or Discover? People say they're not "god tier" but I feel like they have their uses
Is that it @Uncle_Fatty_247? Sweet! Just got him from arenas! Should also do labrynith with him
So you didn't solo him...
Solo does not mean by 1 shot:-) i use 4-5 revive there. Solo means by self
regardless, semantics. I did the same with SW. If she randomly power locked/drained, I could take off 50k+ in one fight. But couldn't always do that before collector unleashed sp1
Ok. I used dictionary meaning. Haha.
WWII will last but after a bar ANYONE DIES regardless
SL won't get a high combo
GP won't be able to bleed past a certain point
And hype's play style of using Heavies is very hard to do with 55% tenacity
However the team is well suited to GET to the collector at least