Symbiote Supreme, Spider-Man Symbiote, Gwenpool synergy's

Can we get a fix on the synergy Symbiote Supreme has with Spider-Man Symbiote? It obviously makes no sense because Spidey doesn't cause bleed damage. Would be really great to not just remove him from having a synergy with Symbiote Supreme either.
Also what's the deal with removing the Gwenpool synergy from Spider-Man Symbiote and replacing it with Miles Morales. Certainly you could have just added Miles to that synergy grouping.
Also what's the deal with removing the Gwenpool synergy from Spider-Man Symbiote and replacing it with Miles Morales. Certainly you could have just added Miles to that synergy grouping.
The synergy in question still has benefit for Sym Supreme. There are plenty of one-sided synergies in the game that make this one not a big deal.
The synergy is meant to interact with any champ with a Symbiote. I think leaving him off the list would be worse than having him included but with no benefit.
As it stands, this isn't a bug. Are you suggesting that the synergy should have a separate line for Sym Spidey to include a relevant ability? If so, what do you suggest? (Probably better suited for the Suggestions forum)
Armor Breaks on his heavy attacks are already very long. I could see either making them permanent (like Medusa with the Karnak synergy) or giving him increased crit damage rating. With enough armor breaks and guaranteed crits on L2's, increasing crit damage could be really good for him.
As an r4 5* Symbiote Spidey owner that would be a very good addition lol.
I don't think bleeds would match Spidey's character, even with the symbiote.
PS: Yes, I know that not every champion matches their comic counterparts to 100%. But I Kabam could buff Symb Spidey's damage through many other ways.