Why Night Thrasher? I have him but heard he was one the worst if not worst champ of 2018.
At least Heimdall has true strike/accuracy.
I think you misspelled Red Skull as the worst champion of 2018. Also NIght Trasher has decent damage and utility even unawaken and awaken he gets a pretty nice boost to his damage so he's not bad at all
At least Heimdall has true strike/accuracy.
Is night thrasher bad?
Lol spider gwen hasnt been buffed yet
Yeah she’s getting buffed; not sure about her being 4/55 worthy since the OP shows @Svaen having a 4/55 quake
In context, Adam = Man, in Turkish. Google translate is your friend.
Night thrasher isn't trash. Also, he can stop evade with skateboard attacks
Maybe the guy didn’t know it’s turkish. Common sense is your missing friend
I think you misspelled Red Skull as the worst champion of 2018. Also NIght Trasher has decent damage and utility even unawaken and awaken he gets a pretty nice boost to his damage so he's not bad at all