What are you thinking with Dungeons

Seriously, they are tedious and not a lot of fun to play. And now this increase to the 5 star and 6 star cooldown is just a joke. No one wants to grind these quest for rewards we don't need. But increasing the cooldown rate only means people are forced to refresh champs if they have a limited roster. At least before you could go one dungeon and know you would get the champs needed back for the next series. You slowly killing the fun in this game. a full week for 6* is a joke. Quit trying to squeeze every cent out of players. There was absolutely zero wrong with the last iteration.
Problem solved. Glad I could help. No need to thank me.
Well, I'm glad they make content people shouldn't do, yes I'm serious. There are multiple people out there that have a limited roster, and being able to use your 6* for each 3 day series greatly reduced the strain of running them. Not sure if you know the CAPS LOCK CAN BE SHUT OFF.
Unfortunately it’s for the entire two weeks
No one is forcing you to complete ingame content, especially if you don't need the rewards like you say. No one is forcing you to pay for the refresh either, it's all optional. Just because you don't have a large 5* and 6* roster doesn't mean you can't do them. Use your full roster in different difficulties, try different characters you don't use often. You don't have to go for the hardest content everytime.
Thanks for the laugh. Glad you look at the big picture. I'm not venting for myself, I'm looking out for all the players. With all the in-game content and time required in other aspects of the game, it would be nice if the community caught a break.
They don't make content that people shouldn't do. They make content that YOU shouldn't do. I figured that would have been obvious since I was talking to you, and not people.
Ahh, your insight is beyond helpful. We appreciate your time spent on the forums keep up the good work.
Getting past dungeon 7, room 9 is INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT. If you get unlucky with node combinations and the mini boss it can basically create impossible fights.
The cost of refreshing champs, potions, and revives is all laughably high.
The rewards are way too RNG reliant. Having a chance at half a T2A is nice until you realize you’re probably going to end up with T4CC that you don’t need.
Dungeons are a very cool idea but are currently be executed poorly. Id love to see that change because it clearly seems like Kabam put a lot of effort into them.
Everyone who says “don’t do it then” is missing the point. Most of us are trying to offer constructive criticism so that more people can enjoy the game mode. Dungeons are clearly designed for everyone because of their varying range of difficulty.
From my experience most people slog through the bare minimum because it’s fairly quick and easy. But there’s no real enjoyment or challenge when doing that. With some minor tweaks I think a lot more people would take part and really enjoy doing them.
I quit doing dungeons after the first iteration, but I fully support people making them better and something worth doing finally. Don't listen to the KDF, they will just try to get any criticism shut down.
Something that should be designed to bring more, various and random people together in game shouldn't be so prohibitive or costly. Especially with the shortcomings in its execution.