1M Rating, 1x 5*R5, 100% FTP

Hey all this is less of a brag post and more of a "who and how many share the same status as me?" (But still a brag post).
I'm a 100% FTP (no virtual store credits, 0 purchases), playing for nearly 3 years now, completed all of the difficult content 100% (LoL, Variant, etc) and recently hit 1m hero rating with just 1 R5 5*. By the time of this post my rating will obviously go up.

So my question is how many are patient (or stupid enough) like me to have this same status (100% FTP, 100% content, 1 R5 5* and no R2 6*)?
I've came across some profiles with just 1 R5 at 1m rating but none of them seemed to be a FTP and it's unknown if they completed all of the content.
In case my words are not believable here is a screenshot proving my FTP status. It could be the only actual proof we FTP have, showing there were 0 purchases made otherwise this bonus offer would disappear:

Screenshots showing the 100% content:

Many might think I must have a high skill to achieve all of this, but I can assure you I'm definitely not one of the best fighters (mainly because of sweaty fingers) but I can't be the worst either. What covers my lack of skill is my investment of tons of hours (if Kabam sees that info I'm sure they will be amazed).
So why do I still have 1 R5? Is it because the content is easy? Definitely not. Is it because of fun? Not exactly.
While I still have many champs that a lot of ppl would rank up immediately, I give it a lot of thought, daily, and there's always seem to be that cheesy champ that's going to be better for me (nature of game) and I can actually have the most fun using them at R5 and helping me complete the next difficult content.
Which limits me to want like 4 champs that are available in basic pool and I can never seem to pull (and dup) in less than 8 months or 1 year of their basic pool release no matter how long I play, and by then newer cheese enters the game. Unless ofc I start grinding featured arenas but who wants to risk it competing with those arena bots that will keep coming back after bans?
And this is why I lose interest in the game and prefer in investing my time in the future elsewhere. I'm not against the ppl who like to spend that's up to them to decide what they do with their money and have fun.
I just think targeting certain champs should be more accessible to those who invest countless of game hours. And I only mean champs that come to basic pool not the brand new champs.
Saying that, I still can't believe how many naive ppl there are to believe that this game follows a pure RNG system and even worse believe the "drop rates" labels Kabam puts. Just start looking at openings newer accounts have (below 60 lvl or not active enough) and compare them with the hardworking players that still stick around.
This is just an example, I'm sure many factors come in to play and slightly shifting over time determining what you pull.
My only R5 (atm) is a Blade sig 200 for some months now. How many times do you think I pulled him from 5* shards or fully formed 5* crystals? The answer is ZERO. That's right I still haven't pulled that champ even once, I was lucky enough (?) to pull him from the early FGMCs, when the drop rates were actually higher (unknown how much the crystal drops changed now with the 5% of 5*s).
For those that don't usually observe small details, the earliest FGMCs actually had a higher chance to drop 5*s even if they didn't say it and at some point that changed (internally) and made it even more difficult to pull a 5*. I assume this system was designed to advertise the FGMCs concept and lure more ppl into spending. Now we just have to observe how these new "drop rates" will work.
I can keep typing for this subject more but it's not worth the time.
So the moral of my story is, the rewards/effort don't match for this game, it doesn't really matter how many hours you'll put into the game, your efforts will not be rewarded as you might expect.
I'm a 100% FTP (no virtual store credits, 0 purchases), playing for nearly 3 years now, completed all of the difficult content 100% (LoL, Variant, etc) and recently hit 1m hero rating with just 1 R5 5*. By the time of this post my rating will obviously go up.

So my question is how many are patient (or stupid enough) like me to have this same status (100% FTP, 100% content, 1 R5 5* and no R2 6*)?
I've came across some profiles with just 1 R5 at 1m rating but none of them seemed to be a FTP and it's unknown if they completed all of the content.
In case my words are not believable here is a screenshot proving my FTP status. It could be the only actual proof we FTP have, showing there were 0 purchases made otherwise this bonus offer would disappear:

Screenshots showing the 100% content:

Many might think I must have a high skill to achieve all of this, but I can assure you I'm definitely not one of the best fighters (mainly because of sweaty fingers) but I can't be the worst either. What covers my lack of skill is my investment of tons of hours (if Kabam sees that info I'm sure they will be amazed).
So why do I still have 1 R5? Is it because the content is easy? Definitely not. Is it because of fun? Not exactly.
While I still have many champs that a lot of ppl would rank up immediately, I give it a lot of thought, daily, and there's always seem to be that cheesy champ that's going to be better for me (nature of game) and I can actually have the most fun using them at R5 and helping me complete the next difficult content.
Which limits me to want like 4 champs that are available in basic pool and I can never seem to pull (and dup) in less than 8 months or 1 year of their basic pool release no matter how long I play, and by then newer cheese enters the game. Unless ofc I start grinding featured arenas but who wants to risk it competing with those arena bots that will keep coming back after bans?
And this is why I lose interest in the game and prefer in investing my time in the future elsewhere. I'm not against the ppl who like to spend that's up to them to decide what they do with their money and have fun.
I just think targeting certain champs should be more accessible to those who invest countless of game hours. And I only mean champs that come to basic pool not the brand new champs.
Saying that, I still can't believe how many naive ppl there are to believe that this game follows a pure RNG system and even worse believe the "drop rates" labels Kabam puts. Just start looking at openings newer accounts have (below 60 lvl or not active enough) and compare them with the hardworking players that still stick around.
This is just an example, I'm sure many factors come in to play and slightly shifting over time determining what you pull.
My only R5 (atm) is a Blade sig 200 for some months now. How many times do you think I pulled him from 5* shards or fully formed 5* crystals? The answer is ZERO. That's right I still haven't pulled that champ even once, I was lucky enough (?) to pull him from the early FGMCs, when the drop rates were actually higher (unknown how much the crystal drops changed now with the 5% of 5*s).
For those that don't usually observe small details, the earliest FGMCs actually had a higher chance to drop 5*s even if they didn't say it and at some point that changed (internally) and made it even more difficult to pull a 5*. I assume this system was designed to advertise the FGMCs concept and lure more ppl into spending. Now we just have to observe how these new "drop rates" will work.
I can keep typing for this subject more but it's not worth the time.
So the moral of my story is, the rewards/effort don't match for this game, it doesn't really matter how many hours you'll put into the game, your efforts will not be rewarded as you might expect.
I dont speak that language, but I think I deciphered enough, and yes the original featured champ crystals for 15k had a 20% chance for the featured champ.
Yeah he talk abudt the fer grad Master cystal.
So ikow what he talk abudt and sry my english is Not the Best but. Im liv in Danmarks and never lear english befor it to late
I think what slows me the most is the phone I use, which is an old android by now (specific crash problems, and load times slow my arena grinding for a couple of hours). Still that doesn't make me quit playing, for now.
I too reached today only
Look at your profile in game shows a Void , Hyperion and Magik at 4/55
There all good champions ??? To get for Free