How does Brawl node/buff work?

KMSOMKMSOM Member Posts: 24
I can’t figure this out... it says both attacker and defender get unstoppable, but I seem to have not effect when I attack but get destroyed by the defender regardless... can anyone tell me how this node functions and how to handle it?


  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    10 seconds after the fight starts both champs go unstoppable for 5 seconds. After that unstoppable triggers after 5 seconds because the new timer starts when the unstoppable triggers. Best way to deal with it is to back off until unstoppable expires
  • KMSOMKMSOM Member Posts: 24
    Thanks! So the main key is to avoid when they are unstoppable.
    I still don’t understand what benefit unstoppable provides me as the attacker - kinda feels like the defender is unstoppable so I avoid them, but I get no positive effect from being unstoppable.
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    I mean of course you can hit the opponent with them hitting you at the same time, but you'll lose health so it's quite dumb to do that
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