Alliance Quest Scoring?

Ok so the question that I cannot seem to find answers to anywhere is how does the AQ scoring work? Everyone wants to rush to the boss to get the points for killing him, and leaves the map unexplored. To me the crystal is the objective so exploration is key. Then someone says that unless you beat the boss you lose all points you've acquired from the map. Period. What's the benefit of taking out the boss at ALL costs?
If you feel you can't fully explore the map, then it makes sense to go to the boss if you are looking to increase points, as killing the boss gives you more points of course and increase your prestige on the next round. In doing this, you just lose the exploration crystal.
AQ points get hogher the hiher your prestige gets. The lower your prestige, the less points for each enemy. At the same time the enemies get easier/harder depending on your prestige. So if you have a lot of trouble getting through fights already and then kill the boss, the fights will be even harder the next day. In my alliance we don't actually kill Dorm if we can't get it 100% too (unless it's the last day) because the slightly more points we would get the next day isn't worth having the harder enemies and miss out of the crystal again.
The crystals should be the objective, in my opinion. If your alliance isn't interested in doing aq 100% I advice finding another alliance.
But if you don't have trouble playing the harder enemies (as one of the reason you are not able to explore may be due just due to inactivity and not really the alliance not able to fight), then you get more points for the next map when you beat dormie because prestige is higher. Again it boils down to your objective (i.e. points vs crystals). But remember the higher the points the more milestone rewards you are getting, and higher chance to rank.