t4c arena nerfed?

For the last two catalyst clash (class) arenas I’ve noticed two unusual changes: 1) ascendant crystals show no catalysts in the reel at all. I know the reel doesn’t reflect the rewards but this has NEVER happened before and I always do these milestones. Could be a visual glitch but still only got iso from last 4 crystals. 2) low rated 3/30 teams do not seem to trigger death squads anymore and could be used throughout the streak.
I want to know is this intentional and if not please look into this.
I want to know is this intentional and if not please look into this.
2. Infinite streak isn't a 100% science. The criteria changes with stronger champs in the game, so the PI criteria target moves. Not only that but Kabam hasn't ever acknowledged that the infinite streak is a game mechanic so it will continue to be a guessing game.
So now we are left with another thread calling out "nerf" when its more of a question than anywhere near a nerf. People really need to stop throwing that word around and even more so when there is zero proof of a nerf.