Seeking level 30+ summoners for map4 AQ

We are an active group seeking summoners to replace several recent retirees. Ideal level 30+ with sufficient champs for steady AQ and war participation. We all have full time jobs and families, so we do allow for flexibility. We all communicate well, have fun and participate in AQ, AW and SA.
We're pretty easy going, so if you really enjoy playing MCOC , you'll have a good time in our alliance!
We currently do two groups for war and AQ. AQ group 1 is map 4x5 and group 2 is map 3x5. Need daily activity and communication. If you'll be out for a day or more, please give a heads up. We use clanHQ app for chat.
reply here or friend request in-game dfam7975
clanHQ app (dfam7975#2arf)
Line dfam7975
We're pretty easy going, so if you really enjoy playing MCOC , you'll have a good time in our alliance!
We currently do two groups for war and AQ. AQ group 1 is map 4x5 and group 2 is map 3x5. Need daily activity and communication. If you'll be out for a day or more, please give a heads up. We use clanHQ app for chat.
reply here or friend request in-game dfam7975
clanHQ app (dfam7975#2arf)
Line dfam7975