Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking For Alliance

I'm currently in an self made alliance,
I'm looking for an active alliance focused on AW and AQ.
And an alliance that will help me improve my accounthyp195svjy1e.jpg


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    T_Fighter1T_Fighter1 Posts: 25
    I live in The Netherlands by the way, but i'm flexible and i have line and discord if that is required
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    Hey, please add me on line: Uncannyavenger_

    I have some spots on a 8M alliance and can take you.
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    hey dude I run a 6m ally currently taking a season off from war (silver 2 ranked) to focus on aq where we run map 4/2/2 but planning on moving up with a few fresh recruits so if you can clear a path in map 2/3 we'd love to have ya. we do use clan hq instead of line to communicate though. add me in game j&j ltd or search 4444m in alliance tags
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    DeviantDeviant Posts: 106
    new alliance part of a large group of alliances is looking for new members to fill it up. Looking for young members looking to improve and older members looking to slow down but still move forward. members must be active and communicate . Must use line app . Line Id is deviant_x. In game DEVIANT~SS.
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