Energy reduction masteries

With act 6 coming up we will now have to save our energy refills because we don't know if it will take 4 energy per tile or 3..... but then even if it is 3 per tile, it would still be a lot.... so should kabam offer some energy reduction masteries or not... and it can still be exclusive to story quests..

Energy reduction masteries 24 votes

Heck yeah.... I will then 100% my act 5
AlCapone2727HERVE_LEANDRESDAATRColonaut123DrBruceWayneAgentMZJChanceH9BlackJ4zzFhfjghhggggjfhfjgInfinityM04Needy_destructorUltimatesaber32Fugitive21 13 votes
Oh heck no kabam will go into loss
Skeleton777NikskiniSixshot1CupidRakeYoungVoltolosDjinAtaaullahPocketwaifuYcats 10 votes
I don't care because I am quitting the game... my first 6 * was gamora
The_mad_hatter1 1 vote


  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    Heck yeah.... I will then 100% my act 5
    Signed in just to say this made me lol being so specific.
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