Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking for an Alliance

The alliance that i'm looking for has to be active in AW and AQ.
I have line and discord if needed
Add me in game: T Fighter9f45kz9nde2v.jpg


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    MommaBearMommaBear Posts: 40
    Hi there. Look me up in game Momma Bear1 or on line at Momma Bear. We have room and would love to have you join
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    WitchKing43WitchKing43 Posts: 22
    edited February 2019
    !CPA! might be a good fit for you. Sending you a message in game.

    We have room for 4 - 6 players who are interested in joining an alliance that is focused on AW/AQ, but understands available play time is limited. We can accept a group or individuals if needed.

    No donations or strict expectations around play. We only ask that you balance your game time between alliance events and solo play such as arenas. Line is highly suggested for information sharing and advice. We have a partner Gold 2 alliance that helps us via Line and a future option if/when you're ready for the next level.

    We run 3 BG's for AW and AQ. AQ rotation is generally Map 3 all rounds, but mix in a Map 2 when short people like now. We will rotate Map 4 again when roster is set at 30.

    We are currently Silver 2 and 5 Million Rating
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    T_Fighter1T_Fighter1 Posts: 25
    Sorry guys, but i've already found an alliance. Thanks for the messages though
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    No worries and appreciate the heads-up. Best of luck.
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    T_Fighter1T_Fighter1 Posts: 25
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