We run Alliance Quest & Alliance War frequently. Need a few more strong Summoners to make it “easy” as pie.
We are as we always have and will be a life first team. We play hard but have our priorities in order.
No requirements for donations, or additional chat application(s). Although we are mature and cool 😎 headed; if you are determental you will be removed.
We are as we always have and will be a life first team. We play hard but have our priorities in order.
No requirements for donations, or additional chat application(s). Although we are mature and cool 😎 headed; if you are determental you will be removed.
We have sacrificed Alliance War so no longer golden. They are done by request and we are not hardcore; we do however give it our best!
We have focused more on Alliance Quest.
Still no requirement for additional software or applications.
(We do have “line” on standby.)
We are laidback and have member and officer positions available.
The interested please send requests to me IGN: Nevermyne or Tag 🏷: No Do
Thank you, see you soon.