How high should I rank an unawakened 5 star Emma Frost

As for my current five star champs - I currently have a rank 4 sig 91 AA, a rank 4 sig 110 SL and a rank 4 unawakened Hyperion.

Current rank 3s are GP, KM, and Quake
Rank 2s I plan to promote soon - Duped She-Hulk, Spider Gwen, Red Hulk.

How high should I rank an unawakened 5 star Emma Frost 63 votes

Keep at rank 2 and save your class catalysts
Vinegar_face 1 vote
Keep at rank 3
SpeedbumpR41nb0wm4g1cAnurag1606CapMark2Jim0172Josegee2321Charlie_SceneSirius111Battle_GreninjaCranmer00ChampioncriticTJ107jay_denDead1TheNoobDr_GanjaDono512gamers34 18 votes
Take to rank 4 before your other champs
SuperSam57SpiderCoolsCarlos2504axelelf_1issamaf80Kobster84SDPgauravtheslayerFhfjghhggggjfhfjgTony886Wozzy101PrasannaHaminNik_860KabamFanProffessionalSkygod69 17 votes
Eventually take to rank 4 but promote other champs first
TortoigLvernon15WabobaIBlueShiftIAbolitionist333_TheSquish671RockypantherxEtjamashumaxgorathAlexAvalonGonçaloSkydad23Giodood_1MoNsTeR_804TheInfintyDestroy4589 16 votes
Eventually take to rank 5
LeNoirFaineantSpity68StfckrMelkerlanneroB_Dizzle_01spaceoctopus8atimanHunterpxtSoar2878RawrasurusAnryjsj 11 votes


  • Abolitionist333_Abolitionist333_ Member Posts: 426
    edited February 2019
    Eventually take to rank 4 but promote other champs first
    Emma is good at rank 4.. Starlord is a great option for rank 5 though.. Jus not a lot of utility besides massive damage
  • StarlordisWickedStarlordisWicked Member Posts: 295
    Thanks abolitionist. I think My wish list for rank 5 would be Corvus, Domino, And Stark SM if Unduped (and obviously blade I’d duped). If I ever dupe or awaken Hyperion he might be rank 5 worthy - he is good at everything, but unduped his furies don’t quite last long enough...
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    Eventually take to rank 4 but promote other champs first
    I would personally take Quake up first then Emma but ultimately it’s up to you. Killmonger is also amazing. Leave Gwenpool til last. Strong roster, congrats
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    Take to rank 4 before your other champs
    Looks like you need a good immunity champ. Emma can clear biohazard, caltrops,..etc. no problem. Just spam your sp1 and make sure they always have more power than you. Plus, if you're fighting an evade champ, just do the opposite (hold your power) and they can't evade. Plus she hits like a truck.
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    Take to rank 4 before your other champs
    Emma has a lot of versatility and can actually be more of a pain on defense unduped since people forget her controls aren't inversed.
  • ProffessionalProffessional Member Posts: 1
    Take to rank 4 before your other champs
    She's ranked as a god tier attacker for a reason.
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Take to rank 4 before your other champs
    Rank her as high as u can
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Keep at rank 3
    If you use her for her ability to ignore evade and her other utilities on offense, r3 or r4. If for defense, r2 or r3 is enough as she can be easily wrecked by most armor break champs.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    Eventually take to rank 4 but promote other champs first
    Rank up Quake first if you're good with her, if not, Killmonger or Emma first imo.
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