Cost of bundles too high for benefits

I thought I would like to bring up the topic of the current prices of bundles that are for sale vs the items given. While I completely understand that MCOC is a business that requires a decent profit margin to continue, The cost of bundles is much too high for such little return. I am based in Australia so I am not sure of the prices for US customers (I'm sure it is about the same given exchange rates).
So, for example, the current trial by combat bundle is priced at $7.99AUD that gives 6 crystals for a chance at a 4 star black panther or killmonger, 5 lvl 2 revives and 2 20% health and attach boost. Pretty petty when you can easily obtain all of this by playing for a small amount of time (unless of course, if you are desperate for a particular character). However, this is for just am INCREASED CHANCE to get the character, not a guarantee. Which is fine. But honestly, i'm not sure what everyone else thinks but to pay actual cash for just a chance and not the actual character is a bit pitiful.
If we compare it to a common online game, Heroes of the Storm (HOTS), a person can simply buy a pack or a single character. Why doesn't MCOC do this as well? I am most certainly a player who would be very happy to spend my own money if I am to receive a guaranteed reward! BUT, MCOC/Kabam would need to understand that anything above $50AUD is expensive by anyone standard!
This brings to me to another point, the cost to obtain mere fragments of catalysts rather than the whole catalyst. I honestly believe that MCOC would bring in more profits if they sold whole catalysts. Even though we can earn them by playing, it would be nice to have the option becasue quite frankly, this game really does take much too long to get anywhere!
I have never spent a cent on this game, but gladly would if the benefits would equal the cost. Thus, I am a potential paying customer that Kabam is missing out on. I am confident to say that the majority of my alliance members haven't spent a cent either. I asked them all if they would spend money if we could actually receive a full catalyst rather than just fragments, and those who responded, agreed. BUT, once again, it would have to be a reasonable price that most people could actually afford. Not this $159.99AUD nonsense for a mere 3100 units! That's almost 1/3rd of my weekly pay in AUS! And how many people are actually willing to spend that sort of money on a phone game that merely gives you a CHANCE?
Further, Kabam needs to realise that a higher number of paying customers is generally worth more than a low number of high paying customers. Not to mention to customer satisfaction would also increase (perhaps the accountants should re-do the math of supply/demand).
So my question to all the players is, should Kabam lower its prices and give decent rewards for spending your own money? And would you be more willing to spend your money if that were the case?
And yes, I have considered that MCOC may flood with players who have a higher rated 5* or 6* champs. In fact, I'm counting on it. I be happy to pay $50 AUD for a 6* champ, or $40AUD for a 5* champ as an example. Why? because then if I spend it, I know what I am getting! Like a PC or console game that gives me the whole game, with no added costs. I'm quite certain that Kabam would make a lot more money if it did! And the play rate for people who finish PC and console games after they have finished them is still pretty high. Meaning that people would still play the game even if they finish it earlier than Kabam would like them to or not. If they game is good, people will keep playing and will keep spending money on it (if it is reasonably priced of course. Just look at how well fortnight is doing. And they actually sell you a full item, such as a full skin, not just the pants!). Just imagine what your profits would look like Kabam?
The reason for this post is that after nearly 1 and a half years I am still unable to complete Act 5 with my current champs without saving potions/units for a month or two. It's a bit silly really. One would think that playing the game every day during that period would be enough to have a roster that included at least one 5* R5 champ. Even if they are only playing casually, and not a pro player or someone who has the luxury of not working and has the time to put in (people do need jobs to live, in case anyone has forgotten).
I thought I would like to bring up the topic of the current prices of bundles that are for sale vs the items given. While I completely understand that MCOC is a business that requires a decent profit margin to continue, The cost of bundles is much too high for such little return. I am based in Australia so I am not sure of the prices for US customers (I'm sure it is about the same given exchange rates).
So, for example, the current trial by combat bundle is priced at $7.99AUD that gives 6 crystals for a chance at a 4 star black panther or killmonger, 5 lvl 2 revives and 2 20% health and attach boost. Pretty petty when you can easily obtain all of this by playing for a small amount of time (unless of course, if you are desperate for a particular character). However, this is for just am INCREASED CHANCE to get the character, not a guarantee. Which is fine. But honestly, i'm not sure what everyone else thinks but to pay actual cash for just a chance and not the actual character is a bit pitiful.
If we compare it to a common online game, Heroes of the Storm (HOTS), a person can simply buy a pack or a single character. Why doesn't MCOC do this as well? I am most certainly a player who would be very happy to spend my own money if I am to receive a guaranteed reward! BUT, MCOC/Kabam would need to understand that anything above $50AUD is expensive by anyone standard!
This brings to me to another point, the cost to obtain mere fragments of catalysts rather than the whole catalyst. I honestly believe that MCOC would bring in more profits if they sold whole catalysts. Even though we can earn them by playing, it would be nice to have the option becasue quite frankly, this game really does take much too long to get anywhere!
I have never spent a cent on this game, but gladly would if the benefits would equal the cost. Thus, I am a potential paying customer that Kabam is missing out on. I am confident to say that the majority of my alliance members haven't spent a cent either. I asked them all if they would spend money if we could actually receive a full catalyst rather than just fragments, and those who responded, agreed. BUT, once again, it would have to be a reasonable price that most people could actually afford. Not this $159.99AUD nonsense for a mere 3100 units! That's almost 1/3rd of my weekly pay in AUS! And how many people are actually willing to spend that sort of money on a phone game that merely gives you a CHANCE?
Further, Kabam needs to realise that a higher number of paying customers is generally worth more than a low number of high paying customers. Not to mention to customer satisfaction would also increase (perhaps the accountants should re-do the math of supply/demand).
So my question to all the players is, should Kabam lower its prices and give decent rewards for spending your own money? And would you be more willing to spend your money if that were the case?
And yes, I have considered that MCOC may flood with players who have a higher rated 5* or 6* champs. In fact, I'm counting on it. I be happy to pay $50 AUD for a 6* champ, or $40AUD for a 5* champ as an example. Why? because then if I spend it, I know what I am getting! Like a PC or console game that gives me the whole game, with no added costs. I'm quite certain that Kabam would make a lot more money if it did! And the play rate for people who finish PC and console games after they have finished them is still pretty high. Meaning that people would still play the game even if they finish it earlier than Kabam would like them to or not. If they game is good, people will keep playing and will keep spending money on it (if it is reasonably priced of course. Just look at how well fortnight is doing. And they actually sell you a full item, such as a full skin, not just the pants!). Just imagine what your profits would look like Kabam?
The reason for this post is that after nearly 1 and a half years I am still unable to complete Act 5 with my current champs without saving potions/units for a month or two. It's a bit silly really. One would think that playing the game every day during that period would be enough to have a roster that included at least one 5* R5 champ. Even if they are only playing casually, and not a pro player or someone who has the luxury of not working and has the time to put in (people do need jobs to live, in case anyone has forgotten).