Arcade/practice mode

When new champions get added into the game or even some older champions that you didn't fight alot, all can be tough and some you don't see very often so a practice mode where u can use any champ in ur roster against any champ in the game, maybe even adjust the star and rank levels if possible would benefit summoner so much, I know we have the duels but it's hard to find a duel for specific champs and specially new champs since not alot of people have themy right away. Or if u wanna keep the duels In place, set up kabam summoner and email out the duel info so we can fight the newer champs.
How does fighting WS help you learn to fight new champs like the OP asked? @RO53TT1 if you have Line app the duel bot is helpful. A practice mode would be fantastic. Doesn't seem likely though.
For the record I think it’s a good idea but Kabam has their reasons.