Mister Sinister Description

Just for clarification, the l1 for sinister states he transfers all damaging debuffs to opponent. It does not differentiate between active and passive. Therefore, why can he not transfer void’s debuffs or dorm degeneration?
Void debuffs = Not damage over time debuffs (apart from the degen on his special 2).
Dormammu's degeneration = Passive ability. Not a debuff
I'd have to read the descriptions to make certain I'm right, but I believe King Groot's and Kingpin's abilities refer to all debuffs and not just damage over time debuffs. Sinister's ability (again, I would have to reread his description to make certain I'm not making a mistake) specifically refers to damage over time debuffs.
EDIT: Void's debuffs are not passive. They simply aren't the actual cause of the damage over time.
What causes damage aren't the debuffs, but the actual champion. So they are not considered "damage over time debuffs" (again, apart from the degeneration Void applis on his special 2, which is in fact a damage over time debuff).
Sinister special 1 only works with damage over time debuffs. Not all debuffs, just the ones that naturally cause damage by themselves. Debuffs like poison, bleed, some degenerations out there, etc.
Void debuffs don't cause damage by themselves. Is void who applies the damage whenever the enemy is under a debuff