Loading time is becoming worse

B012B012 Member Posts: 39
I have one question to ask. @Kabam Miike

Is there anyone going to enlighten us on when is it supposed to have a fix for this terrible loading time.
It took me 25 min to make 3 fights in aq. i cant spin anymore crystals. crystal menu is totally unresponsive . I pray to GOD to make it till the pop-up menu.

the on-going discussion about this topic is becoming about 30+ pages long and about 4+ months old.
For how long do we have to withstand before we completely uninstall game and request for account delete.

I mean do we always have to make a boycott for every damn issue.

This is kabam game but looks like it cares more to us than to kabam


  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    We're sorry to hear you're experiencing this performance issues. The best way for these issues to be properly investigated is by having you head over to the appropriate thread below and filling out our provided template:


    Thanks in advance!
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