Dungeon Bug- Cant Enter Once Started [Merged Threads]

Cael_EnixCael_Enix Member Posts: 27
edited March 2019 in Bugs and Known Issues
This is the 3rd time this has happened to me and multiple other times for other alliance mates.

Enter Dungeon, go to move...nothing happens. I can in-game chat, even dungeon chat, but couldn’t move. So I exited and tried to re-enter...and dungeons broke.

Please see video evidence below:

My partner and I lost some of our best champs to ridiculous cooldowns because your game is constantly bugged.

Please will someone look into this very frustrating issue that has not only cost me time, but champs for dungeons as well?
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on


  • tweek69tweek69 Member Posts: 4
    Been kicked out of dungeon, logged out and back in , selecting dungeon (go or continue) sends me straight to the games home screen.
    This a problem anyone else having ? If so how did you remedy it
  • RudeaziRudeazi Member Posts: 14
    Just so you know guys... there’s a problem with the dungeons... entered room 2 of a dungeon and went left and was unable to enter a fight with either defender 1 or 2.... the guy that I was playing with couldn’t complete the room by him himself but he tried... I touched everywhere on the screen multiple times to see if my avatar would move forward, to no success... this happened approximately 15 minutes ago, the screenshot I will be uploading should have the official time stamp embedded.... Summoner name Rudeazi.idvf2v36lya8.png
  • Cael_EnixCael_Enix Member Posts: 27
    See my below thread:

    The same just happened to me and an alliance mate.
  • webtswxwebtswx Member Posts: 192
    this definitely needs to be addressed
  • webtswxwebtswx Member Posts: 192
    yes, can confirm this happened. forced to return to homescreen when entering dungeon. Kabam you need to fix your problem
  • webtswxwebtswx Member Posts: 192
    this is definitely an issue
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,701 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    Ive found that by exiting the app (not closing it out) and going back in, you’ll be able to see the 2nd person in the dungeon with you.

    It is not a direct fix for your issue but try giving it a shot if it happens again.

    I use IPhone 6s and IPad 6th gen.
  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118
    More than once I join a dungeon and then get locked out of the dungeon unable to play. My characters go into cooldown. This is absolute garbage. Sorry but with how expensive it is to refresh a chsmp this feels deliberate. Not to mwntion this screws two people not just me. Why cant dungeons just work properly FOR ONCE
  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118
    This happens way way too much. Restartong the app and even my phone doesnt fix it so dont ask.
  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2019
    Feel free to merge this.
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi all,

    We appreciate the reports and have passed along this information for investigation.
  • JMRICJMRIC Member Posts: 3
    Like enter last 10minutes and not get rewards
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