Need 1 for the ryzin family

Ryzin and RYZ2 are both in need of 1 member.
7500+ prestige
Place Defenders before the 6hr end mark
Join AQ and AW within the first 6hrs
(unless an exemption has been Approved by myself/leader)
Defenders and Paths for AQ/AW will be assigned by officers
No AW defenders to be used in AQ
Report ALL dks in bg chats
Donations are due by Friday.
Gold 1 season 7
5X5 AQ
If anyone is late they will owe double gold on 1st offense. Triple gold on the 2nd offense.
3rd offense you will be gone.
5500+ prestige
Donation 40k gold 1k loyalty
Gone longer than 23 hours without notice your kicked
No minimums in events
Gold1 season 7
To join in RYZIN line#. Patchie
To join in RYZ2 line#. Bdog78
7500+ prestige
Place Defenders before the 6hr end mark
Join AQ and AW within the first 6hrs
(unless an exemption has been Approved by myself/leader)
Defenders and Paths for AQ/AW will be assigned by officers
No AW defenders to be used in AQ
Report ALL dks in bg chats
Donations are due by Friday.
Gold 1 season 7
5X5 AQ
If anyone is late they will owe double gold on 1st offense. Triple gold on the 2nd offense.
3rd offense you will be gone.
5500+ prestige
Donation 40k gold 1k loyalty
Gone longer than 23 hours without notice your kicked
No minimums in events
Gold1 season 7
To join in RYZIN line#. Patchie
To join in RYZ2 line#. Bdog78
IGN: Captain_Canada