Blade VS Corvus

I am one of the lucky ones who recently pulled Blade. My only problem is that I did not have enough T2A to rank him up to a 4/55. That was enough motivation to make me finally do my 1st LOL run yesterday. I completed it, opened my 2 5* crystals and finally pulled a Corvus!
Both Blade and Corvus are now awakened (I had gems waiting for them) but I'm conflicted. It will be a while before I can take another champ to 4/55 or beyond and ultimately they are both worthy.
Who do I choose and why?
I really have not played with either champ much other than the 4* version in arenas, so I do need to familiarize myself with them, but it seems from all the forum talk that Blade is trending down and Corvus is trending up.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
Both Blade and Corvus are now awakened (I had gems waiting for them) but I'm conflicted. It will be a while before I can take another champ to 4/55 or beyond and ultimately they are both worthy.
Who do I choose and why?
I really have not played with either champ much other than the 4* version in arenas, so I do need to familiarize myself with them, but it seems from all the forum talk that Blade is trending down and Corvus is trending up.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
I have all the synergies EXCEPT Stark, I do have him as a 5/50 4* though
Obviously need to 100% labyrinth. Variant - I need to complete that. I have only finished about 75% of the 1st chapter. All other challenges are done, act 5 ROL, Captains Clash, Love quest, etc.
This sounds bad, but I do not NEED either champ to clear content, I have a good roster, just trying to figure out who may be more valuable in the long run.
If you don't have catalysts expiring, I'd wait and see what the new content looks like before you make a choice.
I would take Corvus.
On any event, Blade is Blade and will be the same Blade no matter who you fight. Every fight of a series can only make you weaker by the time you hit the boss.
Corvus lets you hunt for opponents that will make you stronger.
I really enjoy the different mindset.
Instead of, "who do I have to fight now", it is "What tech/mutant/evader/avenger can I annihilate and make Corvus a beast"
BTW: I have 5* Blade with Trinity and a 4* 5/50 Corvus.
I'd take blade only if you need regen or bleed champ. if you already have, day, x23, no need for blade
Wait what? X23 is equal to blade? Get out of here.
Blade is better than corvus. Blade has aar and regen (corvus can regen with double edge mastery but not everyone likes running suicides). Even if blades damage output is lower in 30 hits compared to corvus the ability to shut down opponents abilities is priceless and shouldn’t be ignored.
Blade isn’t trending down at all. I’ve been using him at 5/65 for over a year now and still in war, map 6, monthly quests and new content released. Like maze or variant or these clashes we get.
I have 4/55 awakened corvus as well and pretty much the same goes for him except if I’m dealing with a longer fight with the potential need to shut down abilities I’ll go with blade.
Also I don’t understand what @Denslo500 means by blade gets weaker through the lanes 🤷♂️. Literally makes no sense. And corvus is absolutely annoying to fight with if without any charges.
Blade is still the #1 skill champ and with synergies still top 3 (if not #1) in the game for versatility.
Most of the time I have to rank trash because items are expiring...this is definitely new for me!
generally speaking, blade's damage comes from bleed and he has regen. all the same goes for x23. his aar is not 100%, and x23 has enhanced crits with her sig, plus cruelty instead bleed vs bleed immunes. for aq she could be even better then blade actually. I'm not saying blade is bad, my point is you probably want to have champs who do different things. if all your champs trigger bleed, you will have far more problems with cable for example then you should.
also could you name any champ released in last ten month who would be difficult without blade?
I'd take 4/55 corvus over blade for cm challenge for sure.
finally, blade needs his synergies, and I doubt we will see 6* gr or smse soon, so you'd have to use resources on them. or you might have domino, who doesn't need synergies to be better then average champ
Blade for overall content would be best especially for 100% LOL. If you aren't worried about LOL corvus is fun. Rank your favorite.
Why would you awaken corvus, that is such a waste of a gem.
To read how not so well informed people are can be amazing at times.
Blade doesn’t get his AAR from bleeds. He starts the fight with it. X23 is not even remotely close comparable to blade.
Yes corvus was okay in marvel clash. Except my second account did it without corvus or blade and the same amount of revives. So corvus wasn’t needed anymore then blade.
Blade at 5/65 doesn’t need his synergies it only makes him more of a god then he already is. Just as much as corvus needs missions completed to have amazing damage output.
Plenty of fights over the past year blade was best choice. Again that’s a nonsensical argument. Damage output vs aar.
Not to mention blade doesn’t need to bleed a defender out. If you think that way then you don’t know blade. Which was obviously pointed out by your bleed causes aar comment.
did I say his bleed triggers aar?
could you name some of those fights?
vs bleed immune champ without ds blade is very average imo. maybe try duel with 4* or 3* vs korg for example. ds is his most important thing for sure, but vs bleed immune you don't have his regen anytime you need
I'm kinda in same boat as OP. Trying to decide between Corvus, Blade and Aegon to 5/65 plus a skill gem between Blade and Aegon.
I'm really hesitant on Blade because I already have Domino at 5/65 and they seem like similar utility champs. And I have another champ with decent damage output with Medusa.
Plus my 4* Blade does fine when I absolutely need him and there's often other counters. I'm leaning toward Aegon because he's really cool, but it seems like Corvus has him easily beat in any mode outside of LoL.
I would say aegon for the skill gem as for aegon to be great you need to get his charges up, and they do not cross battles without the signature.
Simple I had 2 cosmic gems and I already have Medusa awakened. The other is being saved for Hyperion.
Aegon is who made it possible for me to run thru LOL yesterday. He is by far the best for long fights! Once he is ramped up, he is so much fun to play, just destroys everything! He is also great for dungeons!
yea but still, save for something else that would need it for versatility. CG gains so little from his sig, especially at lower levels.
I guess your vote is for Blade? Who else would you awaken with the gem instead of CG?
I would hold it for a new good cosmic champion, such as Captain Marvel is she is good.
Maybe I should mention the Kabam curse...I have pulled Cosmic champs almost 2x as much as other champs. So I pretty much have all the cosmics awakened, yes even Groot. This then meant that when I opened an AG, it was usually Cosmic.
The other funny part is I got the really good Cosmic last, which would explain me finally getting CG. Hyperion* is the last cosmic I need.
*I don't have Hela, but I do have a 6* of her.
Pristige and the undying can be helpful