Finally Uncollected / Looking for relaxed alliance

After a bit of a break from the game for the past month or two, I think I’m finally ready to come back to the game. I finally got uncollected last night and it’s made me love the game again. My base rating is currently around 295,000 and my Line I.D. Is CalebSSG, message me if you’re interested in having me in your alliance or have any further questions. And just to be clear, I will NOT be rushing into an alliance, if I do not message back, please do not spam me with messages. Don’t mean that in a rude way, I’ve just found that I will receive up to 5 or 6 messages in just a few hours. Thanks in advance for your patience!


  • Ground_Round1Ground_Round1 Member Posts: 1,012
    Hey, Check us out...

    Hey Guys,

    We have to replace a guy, so I wanted to see if there was anyone looking around for a new place to hang out...

    What we have: a stable, active, supportive group of players. (15+ mil ally, 30 active guys strong). We are running 544, 544, 544, 443, 432 in AQ (running 80+mil, first 2 days are mandatory), and 2 BG's in AW...Gold 2 last several seasons and holding solid this season. We have a great balance of life and game, allowing guys to pop out for for a bit for real life, while plenty of opportunity to immerse yourself into a great group to play the game. We use discord for team comms (like line, but better for us) and are very organized with comms.

    We need you to have enough 5-50's or 3-45's to run AQ, and AW concurrently, as well as your EQ, etc. (for the smaller accounts looking to move up, for the larger accounts, you are already there).

    We have minimums...2k item use, 10k completion, 8k SA. We hit SA weekly, most always top half. Donations are currently suspended due to reduced and free map costs.

    If this sounds like a great place to hang out, please reach out: Ground Round on line, GroundRound#0363 in discord, and Ground Round in game.

  • jlamadisonjlamadison Member Posts: 277
  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    Check out IHOP
  • ScrathyScrathy Member Posts: 14
    You are welcome with Divinity Rangers. We are steadily growing and would appreciate some extra muscle to help out. Our tag is DR316. Hope this message finds you with all being well.
  • 4Thisnamed_site4Thisnamed_site Member Posts: 345
    Congratulations 🍾🎈🎉🎊! Stop 🛑 into Free To Play or search Tag 🏷 No Do.
  • AethyrosAethyros Member Posts: 108
    We are what you’re looking for:
    Line: Aethyros (Justin)
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