700k Player *Maybe* Looking to Move to Relaxed but Active

I'm currently in an alliance that has been great, but there's a few guys who treat it as a place to just park and collect rewards. The leader is awesome and sets the expectation that people can be relaxed but active, but there's about 20 of 30 who actually contribute.

We do AQ Map 3 and run two AW BGs. The problem is that the AW teams don't fill until the last minute, and it's always the same people. I don't want to do every war. I've done as high as Gold 1. This one is Gold 3/Silver 1, and I still don't want to do it every single time, but don't mind helping out most of the time.

We do pretty well in alliance events, but I'm getting annoyed with people who do one fight or one quest path just to get rewards while the rest of us do all the work.

I'm not ready to jump ship yet, because I like the leader and some guys in the alliance, but I'm getting close. Anyone with a relaxed-but-active alliance looking?


  • 4Thisnamed_site4Thisnamed_site Member Posts: 345
    At Free To Play, (Tag: No Do) we have a spot for you. What is you ingame name? I can send you an invitation + friend request.
  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    Search us up

    Alliance tag Rid3r

    My name thebgj

    AQ-We do 4-4-3 or 4-4-4 or 5-4-4

    Each BG will be different

    If a member doesn’t want the pressure of making sure a lane is cleared in BG1, then we have 2 other options.

    War- we are in tier 13ish, the easy non linked war boss map. gold 2-3 we aren’t really competitive. We get what we get with what we have. I’ve been a leader since alliances started and I’ve always said to the team that I don’t expect or want people to use potions, especially if they need to spend units. It’s up to them to hold back or not. We don’t go for ANY events, unless it’s one that we get just by playing normally.
  • Ground_Round1Ground_Round1 Member Posts: 1,012
    give us a look...we have our struggles, but we are pretty close to what you want/describe.

    Hey Guys,

    We have to replace a guy, so I wanted to see if there was anyone looking around for a new place to hang out...

    What we have: a stable, active, supportive group of players. (15+ mil ally, 30 active guys strong). We are running 544, 544, 544, 443, 432 in AQ (running 80+mil, first 2 days are mandatory), and 2 BG's in AW...Gold 2 last several seasons and holding solid this season. We have a great balance of life and game, allowing guys to pop out for for a bit for real life, while plenty of opportunity to immerse yourself into a great group to play the game. We use discord for team comms (like line, but better for us) and are very organized with comms.

    We need you to have enough 5-50's or 3-45's to run AQ, and AW concurrently, as well as your EQ, etc. (for the smaller accounts looking to move up, for the larger accounts, you are already there).

    We have minimums...2k item use, 10k completion, 8k SA. We hit SA weekly, most always top half. Donations are currently suspended due to reduced and free map costs.

    If this sounds like a great place to hang out, please reach out: Ground Round on line, GroundRound#0363 in discord, and Ground Round in game.

  • ThatGrootGrootThatGrootGroot Member Posts: 427 ★★

    Thanks for the initial feedback. To be clear, I'm not looking for a retired alliance. I'm looking for one where people are still active but not overkill. My current alliance kicks a$$ in SA, 3-day Completion, Item Use, etc. But we still run AQ Map 3 and only 2 AW BGs. No donations.

  • Jensen8993Jensen8993 Member Posts: 24
    Hey That Groot Groot Were a laid back active alliance that is rebuilding. Had some bumps but looking to get back into the game. If you need a home we would love to give you that place! If we ever get to active or competitive you can let us know! If you want to talk about it more please message me on line app. And we can get the particulars down.

    Line username is Jensen8993
  • 4Thisnamed_site4Thisnamed_site Member Posts: 345
    Our offer still applies. Give us a go.
  • Phusian_93Phusian_93 Member Posts: 22
    Sounds like we could fit the bill. Check out Fear Hive. We are almost to the point of doing 2BGs, but we have some folks who just don’t pull their weight. Sounds like you’re not ready to jump ship yet...you can just take a look, maybe join for a month or a few weeks and see how you like our pace...good luck on your search.
  • LUV_MUSLLUV_MUSL Member Posts: 44
    Add me on line. Papathor

    We have a spot open. Somewhat relaxed but very active. We stepped up to map 4x5 now that its free and run 3bg wars every week. Usually claim in the top 20% for SA, item use, completion, and some others. But we do fall short of that at times. We want daily activity, line required and for everyone to have fun and grow together. If that sounds like something that could be a good fit then reach out. We're currently 10.6 mil and working our way back into gold war bracket. Thanks in advance and well wishes.
  • ThatGrootGrootThatGrootGroot Member Posts: 427 ★★
    LUV_MUSL said:

    Add me on line. Papathor

    We have a spot open. Somewhat relaxed but very active. We stepped up to map 4x5 now that its free and run 3bg wars every week. Usually claim in the top 20% for SA, item use, completion, and some others. But we do fall short of that at times. We want daily activity, line required and for everyone to have fun and grow together. If that sounds like something that could be a good fit then reach out. We're currently 10.6 mil and working our way back into gold war bracket. Thanks in advance and well wishes.

    I appreciate it, but 3 BGs means I'd have to do every war. My current is 2 BGs but I am in almost every one. Not a big fan of doing AW every time.
  • ThatGrootGrootThatGrootGroot Member Posts: 427 ★★

    Our offer still applies. Give us a go.

    I appreciate the offer. You guys look a little too new, but thanks for reaching out!
  • d1zzy1d1zzy1 Member Posts: 23
    hey @ThatGrootGroot give us a look at
    Alliance Name: Drunken Crusader
    Alliance tag: [KÎNGŠ]

    We are currently trying to fill up 30 spots, run map 5 and 4/3 for AQ. min donations.
    if you're interested hit me up in-game name: d!zzy
    or LineID: gdizzy
  • alex12192008alex12192008 Member Posts: 1
    Hey @ThatGrootGroot our family of alliances fits what your looking for to a "T". We are a gold 1 ally we are very relaxed but expect participation we are 5x5 for aq. we run 3 bg's for aw and aq. we run all aw's each season. Our biggest requirement is communication and having fun. reach out to me on line app its the same ID I used here.
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