Seeking 5 active in US/UK for Gold 2, 14mil Ally

14 mil Gold 2 alliance "Righteous Ones" is seeking (5) 300k+ dedicated team players who communicate, kick butt, and know how to have fun!

1) LINE app: (Add: lightendark)
2) Strong communication for AQ and War.
3) Weekly Donations to cover AQ 5X5 cost: 75k Gold and 5k Loyalty per person.
4) AQ: map5x5
5) War: 3x per week. Season 7: Gold 2. -(We want to hit Gold 1 and better.)
6) Join War and AQ ASAP.
7) Check War and AQ often.
8) Participate in Alliance Events as much as possible. -(Summoner Advancement, Arena Wins, Item Use, Hero Use, Completion, Guardian/Mutant/Villan Use, etc.)
9) NO CHEATING! -(Do we even need to say that at this point?)
10) Have Fun and kick butt!
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