Gold!!! Sundays!!!

Can we get a Gold arena on Sundays? Seems so much better than a 2* Cornucopia.


  • 1_ShuNeu_11_ShuNeu_1 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    A gold arena would be awesome
    Put 2*-6*s and make peak milestone 2-4million
    Id be bout it if i could rack 500-1mill gold every Sunday
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    I’d like some more gold. Would love a gold arena, quest, gift, heck, any way to get more. Ranking up 5 and 6*s is pricey af.
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    I would like that. I've been really low on gold the last couple of weeks and it's making SA hard to contribute to/rank up 5* champs to improve my main squad, which is still mainly 4*s. 500k is a bit much though. 150k max I think.

    I hate having to grind arena all the time, and don't really have the time either. So, I'm stuck with a very slow influx of gold.
  • gannicus0830gannicus0830 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★
    edited March 2019
    No matter how many people bring up the very real gold bottleneck issue or how justified they are, Kabam has already made it clear they have no intention of changing it. The gold shortage makes you spend, and that's they're top priority.
    All you can do is grind arena until you hate the game.
  • BLEEDlNG_DGEBLEEDlNG_DGE Member Posts: 324 ★★
    edited March 2019
    I'll never understand why Kabam refuses to address the gold issue. They make it seem like the alternative is profitable.
    If we 'bought' gold when there's a shortage I'd understand why they're ignoring the issue but grinding arena (although tedious and annoying) still costs us nothing... except time & our social lives 😢 lol
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,955 ★★★★★
    I don't understand. If the source of Gold is the Arena, why would you need an Arena for Gold? There is an abundance of Gold in the game. The problem is when you're Ranking the highest Rarities of Champs and running the highest Maps, you're going to pay the most Gold. That will either require you to run more of the Arena to make more Gold, or choose wisely. It's simple budgeting. How much you are able to spend is equal to how much you're willing to work for and save.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Let’s make it Variant level difficulty and award 200k gold per path. Seems fair. You want the gold, work for it. :)
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    I'll never understand why Kabam refuses to address the gold issue. They make it seem like the alternative is profitable.
    If we 'bought' gold when there's a shortage I'd understand why they're ignoring the issue but grinding arena (although tedious and annoying) still costs us nothing... except time & our social lives 😢 lol

    The gold issue has been addressed. People are just lazy to do what it takes to attain it.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    ẞlооd said:

    I've been really low on gold the last couple of weeks

    I hate having to grind arena all the time, and don't really have the time either. So, I'm stuck with a very slow influx of gold.

    This. You just solved your own problem.
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    xNig said:

    ẞlооd said:

    I've been really low on gold the last couple of weeks

    I hate having to grind arena all the time, and don't really have the time either. So, I'm stuck with a very slow influx of gold.

    This. You just solved your own problem.
    Haha what up Nig
  • Hit_me_TwiceHit_me_Twice Member Posts: 36
    Not needed. There should be a t2a Arena once a month on sunday !
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    A 2*-5* arena with milestones of gold.
  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    Please make this happen. While I'd love to see 500k I understand that's probably too much, and it can't be a 2* arena or it would throw the whole economy of the game way off. But there's a good idea here that just needs some development from you Kabam.
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    xNig said:

    Let’s make it Variant level difficulty and award 200k gold per path. Seems fair. You want the gold, work for it. :)

    Good idea though. Only endgame players deserve gold.. I'm ok with working for gold, but not dedicating my life to a game. That's where it becomes a bit ridiculous.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,881 ★★★★★
    It would be logical, more difficult content requires better champs and wider roster, and to rank up these champs you need gold.

    My idea is that the gold reweard are globally increased, beacuse the beginners and early-gamers struggle with getting ISO. The Mid-gamers (Uncollected ones) usually have sh*tload of ISO rotting in their inventory and 0 gold, the catalysts are also harder to get. As for the endgamers, their only concern is ranking up to 4/55 or 5/65 once in few months, since they have a wide roster already.

    Awarding players with more gold, so that they can advance in game (that is mostly either about money oe skill btw) would sound reasonable, but tell Kabam about logic, huh ?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,955 ★★★★★
    They could increase it across the board, and people would still have trouble managing it.
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  • SunnyJim_123SunnyJim_123 Member Posts: 78
    edited March 2019
    I’d class myself as an ‘end game player’... completed all the acts, variant, LOL etc. And have 4 5/65 and 1 6* r2 but still struggle with gold, I do milestone in feature 4* arena and make up with feature 5* but still can’t catch up with gold!!

    Over the past years people complained on shortage of t1a, t4b and t4cc so arenas were made available so why not do the same for gold? 5* and 6* champs cost so much to rank up but the gold awarded in game haven’t changed that much
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    edited March 2019

    They could increase it across the board, and people would still have trouble managing it.

    Yep. While I’d love more gold, I know I’ll always have this problem regardless of how much they increase it.
    I started grinding arena about 2 months ago cause I was tired of always being broke. But now I just rank up more champs and I’m still always near broke (and I’m very selective of rank ups: if I’m not using them outside arena, they don’t go past r1).
    This arena cycle, I’ve netted $800k. But when the update hits, I’ll be ranking up she hulk and spider gwen and I’ll be right back down to nothing.

    However, a gold quest or arena really isn’t asking that much. Nothing crazy, just a little something extra.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Weird. I rank up all my 4*s to R3 at least, all my 3*s are fully maxed rank max level, all my 5*s are maxed R1 at least, with approximately

    130 3*s

    125 4*s (35 of them at 5/50 and 20 of them at 4/40, the rest at 3/30)

    85 5*s (5 at R5, 13 at R4, 15 at R3, 20 at R2 and the rest at R1)

    6 6*s (gotten 3 dupes....)

    I’ve been F2P for 1+ year but I still have 76m gold and it just keeps increasing. Must be doing something wrong.

    (Just trolling. But seriously, just put some time in arena. I only grind my 5*s that are at or above R3 for both 5* and 4*F for 6m and 4m milestones, and do like 3-4 matches once in awhile using 5/50s for 4*B to clock 1.5m.

    That’s approximately 1-1.5hours staggered across the whole day as I travel to work, walk to lunch, while watching tv after my kids go to bed.)
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    This arena series, I did 1.5 mil in 4*b (47 series), 4 mil in 4*feature (58 series), and 6 mil in 5* feature (70 series). 175 series or 525 total fights. Figure 2 minutes per series (average with loading times and MY apparently shoddy connection), that’s 350 minutes or nearly 6 hours - spread across 3 days. That’s 2 hours a day for me to stay flush with gold. Yeah, wouldn’t mind an easier way to get gold.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Yes better stuff on sundays would be great. Junk arena on a day the average working guy could actually put in some work. Anything that gave a combination of revives, pots, gold would be excellent 💯
  • CrkwestCrkwest Member Posts: 433 ★★★
    With the price to rank up a 5* and the price to level up a 6* I very much doubt that you'll find people against any additional form of obtaining gold. The only problem is that kabam's could see it as unbalancing the game or making it way too easy. What kabam needs to know is that they make it real hard to get champs, even harder to dupe them and some catalyst take months. So why should we have another problem like gold on top of that? Obviously we shouldn't get so much we never think of gold again, but we should get enough to not have to worry over it, so that we can worry more about catalyst.
  • RO53TT1RO53TT1 Member Posts: 325 ★★
    I've been asking for something like this for 2 years, I agree the Sunday arenas are a joke, I don't need 2* or phc shards, for those players who do fine they can run these arena but there shold be something else offered in the arena that we could accumulate some everyday resources we need, they could alternate between a gold arena, potions arena, battle chips arena for example, even a surprise type arena where u can get some of all those things, doesn't even need to be ranked rewards, just grind all milestones u get (x) amount of that resource, cause I wouldn't want it to turn into the t4 class catalyst arena, where the only way u actually get a t4 class catalyst is if ur 1 of the top 10% or 20% in the arena, just give everyone who grinds all the milestones the rewards, there could be a gold Sunday, potion Sunday, etc and I'd be willing to bet there's alot of summoner who barely log in or sundays cause theres not alot to do. Come on kabam, you've done a few really good things over past year, this could be 1 more.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,955 ★★★★★

    I don't understand. If the source of Gold is the Arena, why would you need an Arena for Gold?

    You get gold from quests too. Does that render Gold Realms useless?
    You get Gold from a variety of sources. Gold Realm is really only added at special times, thus far. It's an Easy Street to alot of Gold, fast. Is it useless? No. People use the Gold. As a permament installment, I see a number of contradictions.
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