Tier 2 alpha inventory

I just finished act 5 i am at lvl 52 and i have 10 t2 alpha but still suffering at t4 cc the problem is my inventory is max of 6 so i have 4 expiring and i dont know what to do 6 is too low what should i do


  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    Xp boost and explore
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    Why do you finish a quest knowing you would get rare rewards that would go in your overflow?

    Use xp boosts and explore/rerun previous chapters to try to get to lvl 60 asap.
  • StewmanStewman Member Posts: 735 ★★★
    Get to leveling up in a hurry son. Your inventory goes to 12 at lvl 60
    Story quest give more xp than event quest fyi
  • Spidey1849Spidey1849 Member Posts: 7
    It goes to 9 at level 55 too I believe . So at the very least you can hopefully save 3.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Use XP boosts and grind story modes and you should be OK. You have nearly a month until they expire after going into overflow.
  • DonkillaDonkilla Member Posts: 161
    Ive got 8 tier 2 alphas, im at lvl 55, i can explore Act 4 and get another 4 only have a few paths left, but the problem is ranking up the mandems and gyaldems,

    I dont have any science t4cc as i ranked 3 modok and then guess what? I pulled a 5* quake managed to rank 3 her but thats it.

    I have 8 tech t4cc, which is a shame, dont have SL or Sparky 5*, do have Ghost so i will rank 3 and may rank 4 her
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