Go into a retirement alliance with realistic expectations. If it's a legit retirement spot, don't expect high activity from the rest of the team. For me, I was initially looking for a retirement alliance after doing AW Gold 1, but it was dead. A "semi-retired/relaxed" alliance is more for me.
@LiquidTactics I'm willing to participate in aw because that's a much easier commitment to make than aq. And no I can't commit to aq.
@ThatGrootGroot I understand what you mean. And I'm not looking for anyone else to be active. Id go for a semi retire or relaxed alliance but most of those have mandatory aqs. Hence I would prefer to do a "dead" alliance over making a commitment I can't fullfil. I only mentioned aw participation as a shot in the dark.
@ThatGrootGroot I understand what you mean. And I'm not looking for anyone else to be active. Id go for a semi retire or relaxed alliance but most of those have mandatory aqs. Hence I would prefer to do a "dead" alliance over making a commitment I can't fullfil. I only mentioned aw participation as a shot in the dark.