In game lag especially during AW

Kabam, I feel it really unfair to have lag during AW. This happened to me during Boss fight and I lost my CG without even being able 2 land a hit. I’m a player with a reasonable skill set and am the designated bosskiller for my Alliance, but this lag is killing me and I feel it’s extremely unfair as it effects the war results and Alliance rating not taking into consideration the units and Glory I have to spend to purchase revives, boosts and health potions when I don’t even have the need for them during my optimum gameplay. This is not the first war this has happened to me and my Alliance members, and I believe this issue is happening to a lot of players. With AW Season being as competitive as it is, this is not the way an Alliance can progress and frankly it’s costing me a bomb especially when I could have finished the fight without the use of resources. Please fix this issue as soon as possible and compensate whatever you can since the fault is with your server and not our gameplay.
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