Looking for max 4 members

Hey guys,

We are Night Breed and we are looking for a few more players to help us out. We want to maintain a grind-free, donation-free alliance and we don't require spending in any form.

So we are looking for a maximum of 4 members to help us out.

We are now tier 9 in AW and we are aiming for Gold 2 at least. We hope to achieve this by always having 2 full battlegroups every war.

AQ we play 2x4. With a few more members we might be able to open a third bg map 3, for higher milestones. Our prestige is 5366 on day 1 of AQ, just to give you an idea.

So, AQ 2 BG map 4 and AW 2 BG. You can skip a war here and there, we all do, on days when you have other stuff to do.

We are looking for summoners with at least 8x 5-50 4* or R3 5*, and preferably 1 or 2 R4 5* since most of us are in that area.

IGN: Marri_2
LINE-id: marriag_nimoy

I am Europe-based. If I don't reply immediately I am probably asleep.

Hope to see you soon!
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