Hero received from Crystal.

As we all know that you will not increas the % of getting good champions from 4* or 5* hero crysalts and we are ok with that.
When we save our crstals for 2-3 weeks to get good champ and end up getting same As* tair champ which is not worth it. Im 100% sure all of us know that how it feels.
Im losing interest in playing this game because of this. Please fix this issue.
One of you gane user.
As we all know that you will not increas the % of getting good champions from 4* or 5* hero crysalts and we are ok with that.
When we save our crstals for 2-3 weeks to get good champ and end up getting same As* tair champ which is not worth it. Im 100% sure all of us know that how it feels.
Im losing interest in playing this game because of this. Please fix this issue.
One of you gane user.
@ramansh - was discusing about work that time so I didnt checked last line and post it. I cant edit that now.
So I checked about what is RNG and my few questions got covered under RNG.
E.g.- Why we get same hero everytime and why not good herose or new one.
So whatever you get is because of RNG. Be it God teir, trash, old, new or same hero again and again.
My point was - Can KABAM reduse the friquency of getting same hero from at list 4* or 5* hero crystal. Or once the signature ability maxed out then we should not get that hero again.
As you said there are 100+ champs to pull and RNG can give you any kind of hero.
It is good to get a same hero as it gives us ISO and crystal shreds.
But there should be some limit. We have signatur stones to increase there ability.
I had 92 4* heros and 12 5* (Trash) heros and total hero rating is 350K+. That is because I dont want to get expired my ISO but now I dont care for ISO. And still 0 sign stone used. My top champs are still 4* heros.
Im in Gold2 alliance and due to RNG I dont have good hero and I have to be backup in AW and AQ.
Hope you can understand what why we dont need same hero from crystals.
One more point I want to mention.
Can KABAM remove older heros from game at least from 4*, 5* and 6* hero crystal.
As they put 2 new heros every month. Can they remove older 2 or 1 hero erver month or two monts.
As we really really dont want few champs in our team. If crstals dont have them then we will get at least new or good heros. Still it is depend on RNG.
I know it will affect some events as they required spesific hero to clear that event. But there we can use 3* hero aslo.
Think on it. Im also thinking.
I actually really like this idea and with the 4 star ban, i would really like to see this in the game but yall know kabam.
They are raking in the money with your bad rng bois
For your Domino question - We have signature tones to dupe her. Or you can get her in Arena. And to dupe her first you need to have her. I am playing this game from 13 months still I don't have her. Or how many years should I wait? I missed her in Arena also as I didn't upgraded my all champs to get good score in arena.
About less desirable champs, seriously you care for less desirable champs? They only make us run out of GOLD, ISO and Catalyst. Or they can make us to sold them. So concentrate on VALUE ADDED champs.
Nobody try actively to max sig level of 3* and 4*. How many times you can play actively ACT 1,2 or 3? We all are actively playing this game to get good champs so we can play upcoming new events easily. And don't worry about 3* shred. I'm not playing any event which give me 3* shreds but till I'm opening 3* shreds. And if you complete new events you can get shred as well in more quantity then getting for duplicate champs.
Some champs sign ability is realy good. But as per RNG we end up getting champs like Colosus or MS Marvel and we are not interested in knowing what there sign ability can do.
If everyone will have good champs then only we can know who plays batter and who got skills. Im at level 60 and stuck in act 5.1.5 due to my current champs and act 6 is coming soon. When should I complete that. One of my alliance mate is at level 56 and his uncollected. Now he has concentrated on only upgrading 5* champs. Now tell me am I playing wrong actively or I don't have skills? I don't want to compare myself with anyone but it realy hurts when after 13 months playing this game and I still cant take down AQ mini boss. And I will not use boost to do that. Im saving them for war.
We recruit new member in alliance not looking at ther skill or high sign level or total team rating but looking at there top champs for defence and attack and there titles.
Lowering the even champs is good idea to get odd new champs. Think on it.
For removing heroes only which are old. Like MS marvel, old CA, old BP, or those who has 2 or 3 version. What we are going to do with 4 captains. Might be in future we can have one more captain, thor, Iron man and many more champs.
Even if we have 300 heroes, we can use only top 5 champs for clearing events and acts. Then why we need old champs at there max sign. New events can give more shreds then collecting from crystals by duplicate champs. If you have 5* rank 4 champs, then somehow he can easily kick anyones but. To make them rank 4 is not an easy task. So we cant just make any champ rank 4.
This is also a good idea. Again think on it.
but hey, you have a different opinion and i have a different opinion. I dont think we will ever agree on an outcome on this.
P.S i dont think kabam is evil lol. They are a company and they need to make money. I respect kabam and all the work they have done to make the game so that we all can enjoy.
At your current stage how much time it takes for you to open 5* crystal. Even if you are overflowing you can get back this items easily or may be in tow months and even if you had bad year 2018 still you are able to hit harder in all events, AQ and AW. You have made it too far that you current top champs are enough for all.
If we keep getting older champs then when we will work on new champs. Its time to kick some old champs from game at least in 5* and 6* crystals.
That's true we don't need all champs to be duped. Some are really good without duped.
Appreciate your comment on it.
and also, not every one has a big roster. not everyone can grind arena and if they could, trust me they would. They cant cause they keep getting dupes in their crystals. This idea makes sure your roster feels fresh. My first two 5 star hero crystal pulls were both spider gwen. Imagine if this idea was in place. i could have a better champ and it would help me in my progression. instead of stalling it until i get better champions.
And no, I like champions that are useful and help me progress. Even though i have 7 5 stars, I choose to use mainly my 4 stars in my roster as they are better pulls than these trash 5 stars.
P.S Dont quote me on things i havent said. When have i said my 5 star pulls are "full of trash"? Dont put words in my mouth.
Let's keep our heads cool and calm when discussing points of disagreement. This discussion is on the brink of becoming inflammatory and I don't want to have to shut it down for it. Please keep your comments constructive and respectful to one another.
OP, thank you for sharing your feedback and thoughts. We apologize that there hasn't been better luck on your end when it comes to pulling crystals. It can certainly be frustrating and disappointing-- so we do appreciate you taking the time to share what changes you'd like to see.
Let me describe y'all my point more precisely.
It is to LOWER the chances of getting same/duplicate hero from 4*, 5*, or 6* crystal.
It is not related to me only but to many of us who are playing this game more then a year and not years.
Any kind of comments are welcome but please go through all points before posting any comment. I have tried to cover all aspects. If I miss anything please highlight it.
***Why this change is needed*** -
As we start progressing in game it starts to become more difficult and harder to play. You all know that the game Acts are already in increasing difficult line as 1,2,3,4, 5 and new event difficulties are improving every month with new update. In a same why each summoner need to improve so that they can go through all this difficulties. Getting a same/duplicate hero is stopping us for a month or 2 months from exploring new difficulty. Taking all heroes to there max ability is not possible for everyone at beginning phase and without Mastery, max level heroes are also not good.
***How it affect us***
From the beginning when we start playing game, 3* champs can take us till Act 3 and Heroic mode 2nd chapter. Upgrading them to max is still a another difficult task. After that 3* only useful in Arena or if there is any requirement of event or if any item is about to expire. By opening lots of PCH and 3* duped champs we get good amount of 4* shreds.
4* heroes can gets us through Act 5.2.4 and Master mode. I haven't seen anyone who become uncollected with 4* heroes. Or if we try to do that then we need good amount of units.
4* heroes are mostly used for Arena grinding and we are getting all basic 4* hero easily from arena.
5* shreds take too much time to become crystal or unless there is any event going on like Arena for 5* shreds. For me it took almost 5 months for 1st 5* crystal. Later it decrease to 4 months, 3 months, 2 months and now per month one 5* if lucky due to any event then two 5* crystals and completed 1 year.
Now level 60. Mastery at good level. Act 4 100% done. Act 5 till 5.2.4. Master mode 100% done.
**At this stage if we open a 5* crystal and we don't have New good heroes then we can't explore more. Game become limited for us. Only new monthly events and Arena for New basis 4* hero is we can do.
5* rank 3 hero is equal to 4* rank 5 hero. If we upgrade all 4* heroes whom we consider as a good hero then also we cant explore more. And looking at items required for upgrading them and what change they can do it seems that hero is not worthy or we can put this items in new good 5* hero. But due to RNG we used to get same/duplicate champion which hold us from upgrading them. Can't upgrade them as there rank 4 will also not do as much as required. We start losing interest by playing same thing again and agin till new 5* crystal become and if again it gives same or ok type hero than it is the end. Can't do again one more month only Event and Arena.
***Whom it will help*** -
This change will help mainly those players who has been playing game more then 8 months to 2 year. When they start growing as an individual or as a team. They need new and good heroes to grow. By becoming Uncollected they can explore Epic mode of monthly event and there difficulty is at different level that 4* cant match. This event can give more 5* shreds. AQ map 4 is free now so taking 4* heroes is not a good option when you have to explore your path alone. Same with AW. 4* are not more useful in GOLD 2 alliance. If we don't improve here then surely we will be kicked from alliance or we had to leave for there good. Changing alliance will affect reward and our progression.
If you can check then you will find many new players left the game in between due to not having good heroes. This could be one of the main reason. I still wonder which count is more, active players or non active players.
***Why some of us think it is not good idea***
So far only one good friend has raised some points against it as below.
1- It will make harder to dupe good hero.
As I had mentioned above it will help mostly those players who are playing game more then 8 months to 2 years. Those players are playing game more then 2 or 3 years will surly have good heroes that had took them so far and they can open at least 3 5* crystal per month. There chances of getting same hero is more then those who open 1 crystal in a month.
2 - Get good hero from Arena.
Arena is good event to get 4* hero. But to get 5* hero it is really difficult. I believe so far only old topgungs are able to get 5* hero from Arena. It is not a cup of tea for players who are playing game more then 1 year.
So that's it from my end. Please feel free to post any comments any thought.
Thank you KABAM for starting 8 months of the game. Later it ruined by RNG.