Compensation [Closed]
Hello everyone! With the new AQ week having just started, I feel like there should be compensation for the bugs and other issues plagueing this game. This AQ, I lost 1 champ, and almost 2 others to these bugs. I'm a great fighter, as anyone in my alliance would back up. The issues including the whiff bug, block timing, and double evade destroyed me. We started Map 4 and Voodoo is the boss. Easy, right? Well due to the double evade bug, I lost a champ and almost lost another. Then against a Tech Symbiod I almost lost another champ due to the block timing issue. Finally, the same champ that almost got killed by Voodoo, was killed by a Skill symbiod because of the whiff bug. I am sure I am not the only one dealing with these issues, so a little compensation on a daily, or even weekly basis would be nice, to allow me to save my glory and not spend tons of money on the game.
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
This discussion has been closed.
Most everyone is hoping that this will occur shortly after the end of month update.
Seatin made some really good observations as to why we have not received any compensation thus far and it sounded reasonable, but I'm afraid that if I post what he said that I may receive an infraction, so unless I get permission from the mods, I'm not going to repeat what he said here.
I have experienced the double evade issue maybe twice and have now adapted my play style to be a little more cautions in AQ and AW to the point where I only do 4 hit combos, back off and reset for a parry.
I have only experienced the whiffing after enemy heavy maybe 3 times.
Haven't had a crash for ages (iPhone 6S) but did when my battery went flat and used my backup iPhone 6. 6S has 2GB ram where the 6 only has 1GB so I recommend ONLY using phones with 2GB of RAM or more.
Also have not experienced any freezing or other glitching.
So whilst these issues are happening to a large portion of the community, they aren't happening to everyone so compensation will not be given unless given to all.
And lastly if they do give some it will be once the new update is out and not before.